British School, Tarragona

Direccion Pça. de Ponent, 5, planta 2, Tarragona
Telefono +34 977 21 16 05
lunes10:00-13:00, 16:30-20:00
martes10:00-13:00, 16:30-20:00
miercoles10:00-13:00, 16:30-20:00
jueves10:00-13:00, 16:30-20:00
viernes10:00-13:00, 16:30-20:00
Sitio web
Categories Academia de inglés, Academia de idiomas
Clasificacion 5 29 opiniones
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British School opiniones

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22 Julio de 2020 16:10

Such a great place to study with awesome native teachers! Definitely the best English school I've ever attended. The best thing about it is the proximity you get with everyone, especially Joe, such a kind and interesting man with lots of things to teach!

19 Mayo de 2020 8:10

La mejor academia para estudiar los exámenes y prepararlos con la ayuda de profesores muy experimentados.
Quería agradecer al profesor y director Joe que me ha enseñado mucho

16 Mayo de 2020 19:05

I am in third of eso and I'm trying to get the PET certificate in British School
the teachers teach very well and they're responsable. I recommended it.

16 Mayo de 2020 8:42

Molt bon ambient i molt bons professionals.
No hi ha dubte que es molt bona opció per apendre anglès.

09 Mayo de 2020 22:33

If you want to improve your English more than anyone you know, go to British School. I'm really pleased about how they do their classes and how many students they have. As you can see, my English is at a high level thanks to our teachers who make an effort to help us to learn English.

18 Abril de 2020 18:57

I've been studying with Joe for 7 months in order to get a CPE. The school helped me a lot and I finally have my CPE. This would be impossible without the help from my peers and the infrastructure available. Joe also helped me a lot out of class, giving me extra material and offering me a place to do the practice tests at school every week day.

02 Abril de 2020 5:36

Estic molt contenta d'haver trobat l'acadèmia British School per apendre anglés. Cada dimarts i dijous que tinc classe és una alegria per a mi, aprenc molt, les classes són sempre molt interessants i la professora és genial i molt generosa. Sens dubte ha estat una molt bona elecció per apendre anglés! To be continued!

24 Marzo de 2020 6:45

I think, the learning of English helps to understand others and enjoy other cultures; additionally, people who is able to properly communicate in english are able to have better employment opportunities.
I love my British School.

08 Octubre de 2019 7:18

La mejor academia sin lugar a dudas, con el mejor equipo humano de profesores nativos. Adaptan los grupos en función del nivel y no de la edad, lo que ha permitido a mi hija conseguir el Proficiency a los 16 años. Felicidades por el trabajo que hacéis con los niños.

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