Come In Llibreria Anglesa, Barcelona

Direccion C/ de Balmes, 129 Bis, Barcelona
Telefono +34 934 53 12 04
sabado09:30-14:00, 16:30-20:00
Sitio web
Categories Librería, Librería infantil
Clasificacion 4.5 47 opiniones
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Come In Llibreria Anglesa opiniones

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03 Octubre de 2021 21:53

He trucat per telèfon per demanar si tenien un llibre i el senyor amb el que he parlat l'ha anat a buscar i m'ha dit que el tenia a la mà i que me'l reservava. Li he dit que l'anàvem a buscar i mitja hora desprès s'ha presentat la meva filla a la botiga però el llibre no hi era.

29 Septiembre de 2021 21:03

Librería especializada en libros en inglés. Es un clásico que por suerte perdura. Recuerdo cuando estudiaba inglés, siempre nos hacían referencia a esta mítica librería

10 Abril de 2021 11:05

A good choice of English language books, including children's novels, educational literature and also board games. There was also a big choice of books for those people who are learning English, with a whole wall dedicated to books on that subject. The premises was very clean and quiet, as a book shop should be, and being in the city centre its also easily accessible

20 Marzo de 2021 23:47

Very good bookshop, organised and with helpful staff, but sometimes it’s very hard to find the book you are looking for

18 Marzo de 2021 22:41

Buena experiencia en esta libreria de la calle balmes barcelona,   he comprado un libro de cocina que resulta que no era lo que quería y he recibido una buena atención para resolverlo.buena libreria y buen servicio, my recomendable.
Gracias en especial a Jordi.

08 Marzo de 2021 22:08

Great bookshop to buy or ask them to bring you any tipe of book, be a client for a long time, thank you

08 Marzo de 2021 7:49

Un tracte al client de 10. Tot i que no tenien tots els llibres que buscava, la noia que m'ha atès me n'ha recomenat d'altres similars i he sortit molt satisfet.

02 Marzo de 2021 12:17

Trato muy agradable y eficiente. Tuve un problema con un pedido y me lo solucionaron al instante. Se agradece encontrar a personas tan amables y profesionales. Muchas gracias, seguid así!: D

14 Enero de 2021 2:04

So happy with the service here. I found everything I needed - even a book that I didn't initially find on their website. I wrote them an email and they got back to me really promptly with a link, which allowed me to add it to my shopping basket. They also kindly gave me a heads up that orders are delivered together. (In my case that's actually what suited me best anyway as I didn't want to receive the books in dribs and drabs but I thought it was extra-considerate to mention this. I know not all shops would make a point of this!). I had been trying to avoid online giants for my purchase and was really glad to find an option local to the Barcelona area. One of the books - which was already on the pricier side as it's a pop-up was a good bit more expensive with them (€6 more) than if I had ordered from a international online bookshop but I was fialry determined to go ahead an support the smaller business, so assumed this additional cost. (The other books were all in an daround the same price, give or take a few cents). As a bonus, I was delighted to receive my books in a reused box! They reuse boxes for their suppliers to reduce waste. If they managed to change the tape for a more environmentally friendly one, it's be absolutely perfect. Will definitely shop with them again.

12 Enero de 2021 7:09

Sooo many books to choose from for all ages. I like to have an idea of what I'm looking for before I go because it's easy to spend over an hour in there browsing everything they have.

03 Diciembre de 2020 9:57

Pedí ayuda al respecto un problema con la compra que hice de un libro y no me ayudaron en nada, muy mal trato al cliente

15 Septiembre de 2020 8:02

Always a nice experience when buying or looking at books. Jordi is very knowledgeable and knows how to help me select the right text books for my English learners. Everyone else is very attentive too.

27 Agosto de 2020 20:44

I am very grateful for the existence of Come In, although for reasons of economy I do a great deal of book shopping on Amazon. But I do visit the bookshop regularly and grit my teeth and pay the extra because bookshop experience is so important to a book lover.

08 Mayo de 2020 21:52

Rapidesa en els encàrrecs i, sobretot, amabilitat del personal. Perfecte per a encarregar llibres en anglès.

27 Abril de 2020 10:46

Una bella libreria inglese nel cuore dell'Eixample! Fornita soprattutto l'area per bambini, testi e giochi interessanti, alcune vere chicche. Anche per adulti naturalmente ci sono pezzi interessanti. Vale la pena fare un salto.

26 Abril de 2020 13:05

Es la librería de referencia de Barcelona para cosas en inglés. Tienen muy buena selección y personal muy formado

18 Abril de 2020 6:05

Found this by accident and I will definitely come back! I've been looking for this the entire time!

08 Abril de 2020 14:41

Me recomendaron venir a la librería al estar aprendiendo inglés. Me ha parecido genial y las personas que trabajan encantadoras.

23 Marzo de 2020 7:14

A veces encuentras libros interesantes en inglés y que no cuesta mucho traducir, si no conoces alguna palabra del vocabulario.

16 Marzo de 2020 19:26

La librería está muy bien. Pese a que es una librería especializada en inglés, estaría bien poner una sección con más idiomas que no sea chino, alemán, francés e italiano únicamente. En mi caso no encontré lo que buscaba.

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