Direccion Carrer Migdia, 52, Girona
Telefono +34 972 22 21 37
lunes10:00-13:30, 16:30-20:00
martes09:30-13:30, 16:30-20:00
miercoles09:30-13:30, 16:30-20:00
jueves09:30-13:30, 16:30-20:00
viernes09:30-13:30, 16:30-20:00
Sitio web
Categories Tienda de fotografía, Imprenta comercial, Tienda de regalos, Estudio de fotografía
Clasificacion 2 4 opiniones
Empresas similares cercanas
MediaMarkt Girona — Carrer Vitòria-Gasteiz, 8, Girona
Botiga de fotografía Fotoprix Girona — Carrer Migdia, 23, Girona


Ordenar por: fecha El mejor valorado calificacion mas baja mas util
14 Febrero de 2023 12:19

Un tracte impecable i gran professionalitat, per a mi el millor en relació a qualitat preu, molt recomanable.

Vaig preguntar a diversos fotògrafs per la zona abans i em van intentar estafar per un parell de fotografies, en canvi aquest bon home honest i professional em va fer les fotos que volia amb molt bona qualitat rapidesa i a preu molt assequible.

Moltes gràcies!

No Me Mires
09 Noviembre de 2021 1:57

El horario pone de 16: 30 a 20: 00 estuve esperando más de 15 minutos y no abrián.

01 Septiembre de 2019 14:09

A few days ago, I entered the store together with my boyfriend Henri, after wie searched the whole city for Polaroid movies.
Don't get him wrong, the point was not the price of 30 Euros, the problem was, that it's not FUNCTIONAL.
He would've gladly invested those 30 Euros, if the movie would work, but the chemicals inside of the movie EXPIRED SINCE TWO YEARS.
I think it's unnecassary to tell people who are running a photo store, that instant films expire twelve months after the production date.
As the picture below shows, the production date was July 2016.
You could've told him that, but you decided not to do so.
He trustet you and was glad, to support an independent shop like yours.

30 Agosto de 2019 19:16

I‘m giving one star, because it‘s not possible to give zero stars.

After I told the employee about my search for polaroid photo movies, he told me that he has one impossible film for my polaroid on stock.

It cost 30 Euros, and even tho I knew it was only worth about 21 Euros, I bought it.

After I left the store, I realised, that the movie was expired since two years?

I thought maybe it‘s still worth the money or at least a part of it, but the pictures came out completely unrecognizeble and grey!

Why do you sell useless trash for such astronomic prices?

I trustet in you, because of the good recommendations below, but obviously it was a huge mistake!

I hope you like my 30 Euro donation for useless junk!

Good look by betraying future tourists.

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