Kinder Barcelona

Direccion Carrer del Llatzeret, 9, Barcelona
Telefono +34 931 79 17 57
Sitio web
Categories Guardería
Clasificacion 4.6 71 revision
Empresas similares cercanas
Smileroom Kids and Parents — C/ d'Entença, 6, Barcelona
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Llar d’infants Pam i Pipa — C/ de Rocafort, 242, L'Eixample, Barcelona

Guardería Kinder Barcelona opiniones

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23 Agosto de 2022 3:32

We were visting Barcelona for 2 months this summer, and I was so happy to find Kinder, so that my 4 year old daughter could go to a little preschool / summer camp. Kinder made it so easy to set up and register online before we arrived, and now that we are here, it's so wonderful dropping her off each day. A beautiful classroom space, super friendly and caring teachers, lovely organic lunches, and all the little excursions they do to local parks and places. It's better than what my daughter had back at home! We can't thank the people at Kinder enough - thank you!

05 Agosto de 2022 8:15

Our daughter attended Kinder for 4 month during our stay in Barcelona, and to my mind this experience was great for her development. She got acquainted with multi-cultural environment, found new friends, had a lot of fun and started to understand speak English (had zero level before). The teachers are very kind and considerate, they support children in the process of adaptation and give feedback to parents. Our daughter was happy there from her first day!

05 Agosto de 2022 2:19

Our daughter, now 3 years old, has been for a bit less than a school year at Kinder, and our experience has been excellent. Teachers are nice and caring, and the school has a pedagogist in the team that is very knowledgeable about different learning methods. Initially, our daughter was having trouble adapting and the staff discussed with us and helped find ways to support her during the transition. Now she loves the school and every weekend asks us about her classmates and teachers. It is great that kids spend time outdoors every day, both in summer and winter, they have a lot of fun, and that makes them happy. During these months our daughter has grown to become much more independent, and she has greatly improved her social skills as well as her English. We are very grateful to Kinder.

26 Julio de 2022 21:27

We couldn't be happier having our child at this wonderful school. It has a colourful, creative and international environment. Our son is really enjoying all of the activities and the montessori system really nurtures creativity and emotional development as well as teaching self reliance from an early age. It is perfect for our inquisitive little one who is already full of so many big questions! Each week they do trips to the local parks, to the beach where they have an ongoing project with a visiting marine biologist and to some local allotments where the educators teach them about the natural order of things in the garden and the kids can get hands on with learning about insects and growing plants. The teachers are delightful and the school is very multicultural. They speak English and some Spanish in the afternoons. This school seemed a very nice alternative to the other local ones.

08 Julio de 2022 20:41

Our boys are visiting Kinder for 3 months and this is a very nice experience, great teachers that really love their job and being with kids, always friendly atmosphere, interesting activities for kids and daily feedback about time of each kid from the teacher

03 Julio de 2022 14:04

Nuestro hijo va muy contento cada día a la guardería. Las profesoras son muy atentas y cariñosas con los niños, y cada día aprende cosas nuevas! Los menús de comida son muy completos y variados. Guardería totalmente recomendable!

21 Junio de 2022 21:55

As a former worker in Kinder I can only warn all parents: do not do this to your children! In this institution, profit is written above everything. In each children's group there is only one paid educator (but very often not even trained as an educator!). Otherwise, only - very young - volunteers or interns (for 6-12 weeks) are hired, as no salary has to be paid to them. The founder Mrs. Munin can sell, but the concept does not work at all. In the year I worked there alone, more than half (!) of the educators quit because they themselves were so dissatisfied with the management. They left from one day to the next without saying goodbye to the children or communicating with the parents.
Teamwork is not possible, because the fluctuation is so high and even when everything is going the way it was planned, every few weeks the interns change and new ones come in. The children are constantly surrounded by new people and can't really bond. Also, the staff key is not implemented as promised in most cases.
Unfortunately, there were also some questionable situations regarding safety. The facilities are tiny, the outside area is a small dark courtyard with a few square meters, proper movement is not possible inside or outside. Safety precautions cannot be implemented in these narrow spaces for the most part.
I can only advise against this kindergarten. Parents who want the best for their children have their money taken out of their pockets, instead they get poor care that is only focused on financial gain. On average the children in Kinder get much poorer care than in, for example, a public kindergarten (where I worked afterwards). Unfortunately, I can support all 1 star reviews written mainly by parents!

13 Junio de 2022 21:18

We had an amazing experience with Kinder. We were visiting Barcelona for a month and it was a seamless process for us and our son. From Day 1 our son loved it and was excited to go every day. It was a good balance of play, learning, and discovering the outdoors. He also loved all of the teachers and we appreciated the level of attention he received. I wouldn't hesitate to sign up if we return to the same area.

19 Mayo de 2022 20:14

We had a great experience at Kinder Maxi. Our little one went to Kinder just before she turned 1 and it has been a fantastic experience for her and for us. I would like to highlight the work that the teachers do: they give so much love to these kids that you really feel they are family! Our baby is super happy going to Kinder, she learns new things every day and we really like that they walk and go to the park with them every day, this gives the kid lots of independence. Also, there are no cars in the street where the school is so it is quite convenient to walk with them there and I feel it is a lot safer. I really appreciate all the love they are giving to our little one:) oh, and she has learnt a lot of English!

19 Abril de 2022 14:45

My daughter is very happy to visit this place. Adaptation period was very sensitive. All teachers are very kind and help Maya to communicate with other children. For 2 month she start to speak English (we are from Ukraine), start to be more relaxed and have fun.

04 Abril de 2022 23:23

I appreciate the time my daughter has spent in Kinder, many new friends, a well-organized teaching process, and a pleasant atmosphere.
Have to highlight following Montessori principles by teachers and groups. If you were looking for a genuinely Montessori approach, you could find it here.
I want to highlight the birthday organization. You can order a cake, print a photo, and the teacher's group will create a special day for your kids.

02 Abril de 2022 5:52

Profunda decepción. La inmersión lingüística es total, pero la pedagogía montessori no tanto. La comunicación con las familias nefasta, cómo la colaboración.

16 Febrero de 2022 14:30

En septiembre, nuestro hijo de 1 año ha empezado a asistir al grupo de catalán de Kinder. Estamos muy contentos con la atención que dan a los niños las educadoras, los grupos son reducidos (en su clase son 10 niños y 2 profesoras) y la alimentación es muy saludable, con cocina propia (Nabibi de Marià Aguiló).

Desde que le llevamos a Kinder, nuestro hijo es mucho más autónomo (come solo, se quita los zapatos, ha adquirido nuevos hábitos.) ha aprendido muy rápido porque les estimulan respetando el desarrollo de cada niño. Además todos los días les llevan a jugar a parques de Poblenou o a la playa, siempre y cuando el tiempo lo permita, por lo que no están todo el día en una clase y conocen el entorno en el que viven.

Para nosotros fue la mejor opción de todas las guarderías que vimos, además de por la metodología por la practicidad: en el coste están incluidos los pañales y las toallitas, el horario completo es de 8.30h a 17.30h y la comida es muy saludable, cocinada por ellos. En otras guarderías del barrio el horario es muy acotado y resulta complicado si los dos padres trabajan a jornada completa.

Por último, envían todos los días fotos de las distintas actividades y un informe de cómo le ha ido el día a nuestro hijo. Nosotros estamos muy tranquilos con nuestro hijo yendo a Kinder y él está contento, que es lo más importante.

12 Febrero de 2022 0:01

Before join Kinder, Our daughter had met some difficulty cause of change environment, and don’t dare to play with other kids.
Teachers in Kinder are very nice, and patiently for her, they also gave us some very profesional advice for kids grow up in multiple languages environment, and how to deal with the difficulty of changing env for kids of this age. Right now she could join the group
And Teachers are also very seriously when they take care of kids. When our daughter have some rash in eyes, teacher found it before us

05 Febrero de 2022 17:42

Las maestras son excelentes, se nota la dedicación y la atención a cada requerimiento de mi hija. Trabajan sobre la autonomía de los niños con mucha delicadeza y respeto. Estamos muy contentos de haber elegido Kinder Montessori.

30 Enero de 2022 1:17

The only thing they care in this centre is money making. They don´t care at all about kids and their families. The director treats parents like stupid pupils at school always presuming of her PHD. She doesn´t listen to the parents´ concerns and only says what she needs to say for her interest to make more money. She tries to cut expenses everywhere, using the work of volunteers, many Erasmus students, actually there are new people every week. This is one of the most expensive centres in the neighbourhood but educators are not even native speakers. They don´t have their own playground so kids have to go to public parks everyday, it can be unsafe as there are many hazards like strangers, cars, broken bottles etc. Regarding food it is not attractive to kids so they don´t eat it at all. If I were you I would think twice before sending kids to this place.

18 Enero de 2022 23:54

My daughter has been in Kinder since 18m.o. And I totally recommend it! Teachers are very attentive and the approach is very personalised. I know she’s in safe hands and she enjoys it. Thanks to all Kinder team and especially Alma, Belen and Helena!

18 Enero de 2022 18:33

Elegimos Kinder para ayudarnos con el cuidado de nuestra hija de un año, y no podríamos haber elegido mejor.
Además de sumergir a los niños en un ambiente completamente bilingüe e internacional, les alientan a aprender a su ritmo con juguetes manuales y filosofía Montessori.
Para nosotros es muy importante inculcar valores de veganismo en nuestra hija. Aquí no solo lo trataron con completa naturalidad, si no que todo lo que comen los niños es sano, natural y tienen multitud de opciones para adaptarse a todas las dietas (con comida que preparan ellos mismos).
Y es muy de agradecer la dedicación del personal del centro, que no solo se ve que tienen pasión por lo que hacen, si no que también saben de lo que hablan en cuanto a pedagogía.

18 Diciembre de 2021 20:51

We are really pleased with our choice. The children are going out every day, eating healthy food, playing with different natural toys and having lots of fun. There is excellent feedback on what is happening every day. But the most important thing is our daughter loves her teacher and is going to and from kindergarden with smile on her face!

07 Diciembre de 2021 23:05

We absolutely love this school and the program! Our 4 year old daughter loves her classmates and her teachers. They do so many different activities and she's always happy to come to school in the morning and always laughing and smiling when she leaves. We know she's in great hands with very experienced and engaging teachers. We highly recommend it.

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