Montjuïc Cemetery, Barcelona

Direccion C/ de la Mare de Déu de Port, 56, 58, Barcelona
Telefono +34 934 84 19 99
Horas 08:00-18:00
Sitio web
Categories Cementerio, Atracción turística
Clasificacion 4.4 45 opiniones
Cementiri de Montjuïc
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Cementerio Montjuïc Cemetery opiniones

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17 Septiembre de 2019 21:56

Some really unique things to see in this cemetery! It was quite difficult for me to get here without a car and I didn’t take a bus. Bad idea. Other than that there were some really cool sculptures!

17 Septiembre de 2019 15:59

Cementerio grande esculturas bonitas de artistas famosos en.un lado del cementerio estan enterrados los espiritistas y videntes q antiguamente heran enterrados aparte existe un panteon con ascensor esta enterrado el torete q fue un actor del cine quinqui y famosos como.el.presidente companys idelfons cerdan etc hacen una ruta por la.noche increible los actores se visten de época y recoren el cementerio contando historias hay un Museo de carrozas funebres

24 Agosto de 2019 3:18

An incredible walk in one of the world's most beautiful ceremony, a climb up a hill is involved so prepare for a hike. Not really anywhere to picnic, and only one entrance.

16 Julio de 2019 1:29

Riesiger Friedhof, der die vielen unterschiedlichen Betattungsarten beinhaltet. Achtung vor angreifenden Möwen und vor dem nicht endenden Labyrinth. Wir haben uns dort tatsächlich verirrt

12 Junio de 2019 15:59

It's amazing how each major city dealt with the situation of too many dead people, in need of a solution. Thousands of family graves exist in each level, staircase and every possible spot, some historical, other artistic and some of them both. Definitely worth checking out if you're into the gothic rhythms of barcelona.

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