Museum of Montserrat, Barcelona

Direccion Montserrat, Barcelona
Telefono +34 938 77 77 27
Horas 10:00-17:45
Sitio web
Categories Museo de arte, Atracción turística
Clasificacion 4.5 34 opiniones
Museu de Montserrat
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Museum of Montserrat opiniones

Ordenar por: fecha El mejor valorado calificacion mas baja mas util
06 Junio de 2021 16:33

Se já não bastasse as trilhas com vistas incríveis e o seu riquíssimo mosteiro, Montserrat também conta com um excelente museu com obras de artistas importantes, como Picasso, Monet, Caravaggio, El Greco e outros, além de objetos religiosos e até múmias egípcias.

09 Marzo de 2021 0:05

This was a great quiet getaway from the crowds at Montserrat. There's lots of benches inside the galleries so you're able to relax and rest your legs. Clean bathrooms are also here! Well worth the admission fee of 8 euros.

Note: Visited in Jan 2020 but catching up on reviews because- COVID.

31 Enero de 2021 12:54

Il Museo di Montserrat è costituito da diverse collezioni, che si trovano in un unico edificio a partire dal 1996. Alle collezioni permanenti si aggiungono poi le mostre temporanee, visitabili presso le due sale destinate a tale scopo: la Sala Daura e lo Spazio di Arte Pere Pruna.
Lo spazio occupato dal museo è interessante di per sé: fu progettato da Josep Puig i Cadafalch nel 1929 nell'ambito del progetto generale della riforma dei luoghi del monastero. Dall'estate del 2004, il Museo di Montserrat dispone di una nuova entrata, priva di barriere architettoniche.

12 Febrero de 2020 17:46

The selection of the artwork is amazing, so many wonderful masters in one place! The staff was also really helpful!

30 Enero de 2020 17:43

Museo muy completo con obras artísticas de pintores de renombre como Caravaggio, El Greco, Manet, Renoir, Picasso, Ramón Casas, Santiago Rusiñol, Dalí.

18 Diciembre de 2019 9:07

I only knew about here because of Carravagio, however, there are plenty of treasures inside, especially the Egyptian collection. It’s a must see.

02 Diciembre de 2019 10:20

If you like classical and religious art, this is the place to go. My only constructive feedback for the museum would be to give more context about the object on display. I was missing the history and the stories behind the objects.

13 Noviembre de 2019 18:40

Musée de Montserrat.extraordinaire collection où l'on croise Le Caravage, Monnet, Renoir, Picasso, Dali, Braque, Chagall ainsi qu'une série d'icônes plus lumineuses les unes que les autres.

18 Octubre de 2019 12:32

Surprisingly good, some real world-class art here. And some Egyptian and neolithoc pieces at the end.

29 Septiembre de 2019 23:19

Magnífica col·lecció de pintures, escultures i objectes procedents d'antigues civilitzacions. És un tresor bastant desapercebut.

17 Septiembre de 2019 15:45

Small museum on 2 levels. It cost €8. Its was quite and plenty of space to view the paintings. No real rushing crowds. Air conditioning was a bonus in the 32 degree outside heat.
I didn't get the audio tour and that may have been a mistake as my phone ran out of battery looking up paintings.

Picasso, Dali, Monet, Degas, Rusinol, Casas, Noneli, Mir are just a few. Caravaggio's Saint Jerome in Meditation was on loan to another museum. In actual fact there were about 5 paintings out on loan.

The best part for me being Irish, was the Sean Scully painting, Oisin's Mountain at the end room with a video on the TV in the corner explaining about the work he completed for Santa Cecilia de Montserrat which unfortunately we did not get to visit.

My favourite painting was by Jaime Sunico called Monk, located beside the Scully painting.

There was a section on Ancient World. Nice to see but not my thing. They even have an Egyptian mummy.
There was also a room of different works showcasing the Black Madonna.

Well worth a visit if you are into art.

11 Septiembre de 2019 21:58

Molt ben cuidat, distribució, bones obres d'art de dones i homes artistes. Jordi Alcaraz i Jaume Plensa fins Novembre no ho s' els perdeu

02 Septiembre de 2019 2:41

It’s a nice little gallery with some big hitters on the walls. Admittedly for me the best thing about this (with a 9-month old in early July) was the air conditioning, bliss. Well worth the €8 entry. Joking aside it’s a good addition to the walk around the church.

24 Marzo de 2019 6:58

Como comenta mucha gente, supone una gran y grata sorpresa escontrarse con semejantes obras y artistas de primer orden en un museo tan poco publicitado. La retrospectiva que hace a través de todos los períodos artísticos es admirable.
Eso sí, no pongo las cinco estrellas básicamente porque el edificio y la museización del espacio me parece pésima, almenos si tenemos en cuenta la importancia de las obras. La señalización también es pobre, no se indican datos como los materiales utilizados, puede parecer una tontería, pero es algo que cualquier artista e historiador del arte valora. Por tanto, información de las obras casi nula.
Aún así la visita es muy cómoda, y el personal que trabaja en el museo es muy atento y profesional, se agradece.

En conclusión, un museo de visita obligada pero muy mejorable a nivel de continente

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