Plaça del Vi 7, Girona

Direccion Plaça del Vi, 7, Girona
Telefono +34 972 21 56 04
Sitio web
Categories Restaurante, Wine cellar
Clasificacion 3.7 56 opiniones
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Plaça del Vi 7 opiniones

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02 Diciembre de 2019 12:48

Bon producte i bon servei. Les taules de dins són molt petites i es un pel car, però la situació del local es immillorable.

29 Noviembre de 2019 14:15

Per unes anxoves i una truita de bacallà amb 2 copes de vi i un cafè m'han esquilat 37 €. I m'han cobrat "pà i oli" que encara els espero.en fi per no tornar-hi mai més.

21 Noviembre de 2019 14:42

Muy poca seriedad.supongo que la comida estará buena ya que no pudimos probarla. Después de esperar 20 minutos cuando nos habían dicho 5' viene otro camarero y nos dice que debemos esperar 30' más xq el es quien organiza la terraza y la siguiente mesa no estara disponible hasta entonces.mala organización y coordinacion

21 Noviembre de 2019 4:57

Really good food and excellent service. The head waiter suggested a very nice wine and the space was good. One of the best restaurant experiences we had.

16 Noviembre de 2019 13:15

Para pedir dos cañas, media hora y por favor, íbamos a cenar, pero visto el trato a otro mucho mejor!

09 Noviembre de 2019 12:20

Servei excel·lent. Material de bona qualitat i ben elaborat. Els vins porten l’afegit de l’assessorament del propietari (que en sap bastant) però piquen una mica de preu. Instal·lacions acollidores (romàntiques?) encara que les taules estan parades sense estovalles i són un pel petites. La relació qualitat/preu és correcte (a la banda alta). No m’importaria tornar-hi.

05 Noviembre de 2019 22:02

Adventurous ingredients cooked in a boring way and rude/poorly trained staff.

The place boasts an incredible wine list and the staff are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to both the food menu and wine but that is where their skill ends. It's akin to a new graduate, you have the knowledge but lack the basic skills to fulfill the job you went to school for.

The wine blew me away but I sat with an empty glass for over 10 minutes before my appetizer came out and I was finally offered another. The restaurant was maybe 1/4 full and we only saw our servers when they had no choice but to show up because food was ready. When our mains finally came out they brought out pork belly for my fiancé who does not like pork, she had ordered the chicken casserole. She tried to gently say that it was the incorrect dish (we spent years working in the service industry when we were younger and absolutely hate sending anything back) but the server told her she was wrong. He said she pointed at the dish and that this is the normal way to order in Catalonia but she had said the dish aloud and the other server (the one who actually took our order!) had repeated it back to her. Rather than offer to correct the mistake he repeatedly told her that "she is wrong and she would like that dish more anyway and it is because she doesn't speak catalán" (the whole conversation was in perfect English.). At this point I was ready to leave but she gave up and agreed to eat the pork because we had already waited 45 minutes for the dish. While eating, the waiter came out and looked at his bill and realized he made a mistake but did he apologize? Only after we finished our food and he came to get the plates did he do a quality check. I told him the way he acted was completely innapropriate and it had ruined the experience yet he would only apologize to me, not my fiancé. He admitted he made a mistake and had us confused with another table and told us if we spoke Catalan we would be laughing with him about how rude he was before. Completely unacceptable at this price point.

Now for the food, the Chef is more focused on using out of the ordinary ingredients than he is on cooking them. I had the pig snout as a starter and it was cooked in the most unimaginative way possible. They threw it in the fryer. When a chef uses an unusual or potentially off putting part of an animal, the dish really needs to be elevated in some way. Who goes to a "fine dining" restaurant to order a big pile of chicharrones?

My duck with figs was inventive but bland. The breast was blue rare and served with a butter knife, somehow the FOI Gras was bland, the neck, leg and thigh were excellent but all of it was simply cooked in confit with no additional sauce or side so you essentially have half a duck to eat with nothing new going on throughout the dish. We have eaten far better food for less in Spain. Having worked as a Chef for years myself I think this place needs to slow down, shorten the menu and put more effort into the dishes they offer if they want any chance of improving for the future.

As it stands I would not recommend eating here because of the amateur, and rude waiting staff and because the food is overly pretentious and underwhelming. The wine was fantastic so my recommendation would be to buy a bottle and skip the food so you can largely bypass the service and save your money for one of the many exquisite eateries available in Girona.

04 Noviembre de 2019 15:44

Bueno, es un sitio muy chulo pero el servicio es deplorable. La comida? No me pongas bravas con alioli, y ese morro como de supermercado, duro como el cuero. No tenía nada. No salimos contentos.

02 Noviembre de 2019 17:12

Great food in a beautiful wine bar. Also has a lovely outdoor seating area under the arches with a view of the placa.

27 Octubre de 2019 12:37

Muy caro. Mirad bien la carta y los precios pues te puedes llevar sorpresa en la cuenta. A nosotros nos cobraron algo q no habiamos pedido y 7 euros por una copa pequeña de vino q todavía no conozco cual.

20 Octubre de 2019 6:25

Restaurante con una excelente ubicación, buen ambiente y buena cocina. La carta de vinos es buena y variada, además tienen muy buenas cervezas artesanales locales. El precio es muy excesivo y las raciones son muy pequeñas, el servicio también es mejorable.

18 Octubre de 2019 7:14

Si necessiteu un entrapa d'urgència és un lloc ideal per anar. A la carta i tenen un munt de truites i varietat diversa

15 Octubre de 2019 2:14

La comida muy bien, el precio desorbitado. Una cerveza 4€ y tres trocitos de pan (TROCITOS) 3 €. Para no volver

13 Octubre de 2019 5:04

Que cosa más mala y encima que manera de engañar. Te dejan doblado del estacazo y sin apenas comer. Pasarrrr de largoooo!

05 Octubre de 2019 15:54

Està molt bé per fer uns vins amb alguna tapa, lloc acollidor, l estiu a dins fa massa calor, no tenen sistema de refrigeració ben calibrat, però val la pena, si vas al barri vell, parat a fer un vinillo, tenen de moltes varietats i països, els cambres hi entenen o t assesoren bé, molt recomanable

20 Septiembre de 2019 16:55

Lovely and attentive staff that spoke French and English. Very good paella with calamari, mushrooms, and sausage. Loved the tomato and bonito salad! Really nice shaded patio and beautiful decor inside.

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