Private English Classes, Barcelona

Direccion Carrer de Mejía Lequerica, 42, 44, Barcelona
Telefono +34 601 39 28 19
Sitio web
Categories English language instructor
Clasificacion 5 13 opiniones
Empresas similares cercanas
Centro Kumon de Matemáticas, Lectura e Inglés — Carrer de Laforja, 33, Barcelona

Private English Classes opiniones

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02 Enero de 2023 7:56

It is a very interesting challenge, with a lot of personal work to do some days, others are a bit lighter, but it definitely demands to be self analytical and reflective; and it is all worth it! I got a job in less than 18 days, it was before I even finished the challenge! The videos are amusing with very interesting tips to have and I got to learn a lot about myself by doing the homework

31 Diciembre de 2022 1:17

Richard is a very good teacher who helps you both professionally and personally. Thank you for all.

17 Diciembre de 2022 18:14

Richard has an extraordinary ability to listen and understand the needs, strengths and areas for improvement of his students.

He manages the classes very well, working in a digital platform that helps to have all the resources organized and accesible at any time.

23 Noviembre de 2022 19:08

I definitely recommend Richard as a Personal English Coach for his dynamic and fun training methodology, his energy and his incredible motivation!
He is able to adapt and create a training plan according to your needs in order to give you the possibility to improve your skills in a very short time.
He helped me to feel more comfortable in my daily basis at work, improve and enrich my vocabulary and more over to have fluency with my business slang!

27 Agosto de 2021 22:36

Richard is an amazing teacher and coach! I have been taking classes with him for almost 1 month and I can say that my level of professional english have improved a 100%. I feel more confident with my conversations, I highly recommend Richard! Also he is a very nice person!

29 Junio de 2021 23:48

Best english teacher I’ve had so far! Doing some homework and speaking about relevant topics, class time flies by. He prepares the classes in advance and remembers everything that has been discussed, which is greatly appreciated. Strongly recommended!

05 Mayo de 2021 1:26

Estoy muy contenta con Richard, sin duda un acierto. Sus clases son muy amenas y aprenden mucho. Se focaliza en tus objetivos y se esfuerza en buscarte temas. Sin duda lo recomiendo.

07 Noviembre de 2020 12:31

Richard es un profesor excepcional, se enfoca 100% en tus objetivos y se prepara las clases en función de lo que quieres ir viendo y mejorando. Lo recomiendo 100%, en mi caso mi objetivo principal es mejorar mi inglés de negocios y ganar confianza y desde luego que las clases con Richard me han ayudado mucho ya que ha entendido a la perfección lo que necesitaba:)

01 Noviembre de 2020 0:09

Fantastico profesor! Se prepara tus clases y las personaliza. Siempre atento a tus necesidades. Con Richard avanzas cada dia de forma muy fluida y sus clases son amenas y muy profesionales. Lo recomiendo al 100%

20 Octubre de 2020 15:12

Richard is a excellent and professional teacher.
You can learn a lot through interesting conversations and he prepare classes and give you materials to work and improve your English.
I really recommend him!

02 Julio de 2020 0:32

Richard is an extraordinary English teacher, didactic, motivator, and encourages the development of spontaneous English speaking skills. It is very easy to learn English with him.

21 Mayo de 2020 18:04

El mejor profesor que he tenido de inglés. Clases totalmente enfocadas en los puntos a mejorar, me ha servido de muchísima ayuda. Lo recomiendo 100%.

11 Mayo de 2019 14:11

Richard es un profesor excelente! Se prepara las clases, te da vocabulario preciso y adecuado. Se aprende mucho con su modo de dar las clases!

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