SAUNA BRUC, Barcelona

Direccion C. de Pau Claris, 87, Barcelona
Telefono +34 934 87 48 14
Horas 10:00-22:00
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Categories Balneario, Centro de salud y bienestar
Clasificacion 4.4 41 revision
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Balneario SAUNA BRUC opiniones

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07 Julio de 2018 21:34

I came last Saturday around 5 pm and, after having payed 12€80, I heard the receptionist say that had older clients? ! He didn’t say how old, so I told myself Too late, you are 45, and even if you do sport regularly, you are old for some too.
But, no way. 90 % of some 35 clients who were there were largely retreated and many were about to blow out their 80 candels. Only one was around 40 but he had at least 130 kg.
I put on my clothes immediately and told the receptionist that he should have been mire precise before I payed. He said that I should stay and profit at least of the facilities while waiting for new clients? !
I think that he should rather propose to refund me, as I had stayed only five minutes.
Of course, I have nothing against very old people. We’ll all be like them one day if lucky (or not). But such a concentration of Mathusalems was simply shocking.
So if you are gerontophiles, just go in, you won’t be disappointed.

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