Spanish Lessons - Spanish Tutor Toni, Barcelona

Direccion C/ dels Tallers, 4, Barcelona
Telefono +34 637 40 18 83
Sitio web
Categories Academia de idiomas
Clasificacion 4.6 22 opiniones
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Spanish Lessons - Spanish Tutor Toni opiniones

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27 Junio de 2023 2:10

I've been having Spanish lessons with Toni for a year now - and cannot stress enough how much I've learnt - and enjoyed doing so! He is a fantastic teacher - always patient, reliable and extremely knowledgeable. I started with no more than absolute basics and now I'm confident enough to have conversations with people as well as a good grasp of grammar. HIGHLY recommend! Thank you, Toni!

21 Abril de 2023 5:54

He estado tomando clases de español con Toni durante un año y no puedo expresar con palabras lo mucho que he aprendido, ¡y disfruté haciéndolo! Es un profesor fantástico: siempre paciente, fiable y muy bien informado. Empecé con nada más que lo básico y ahora tengo la suficiente confianza para conversar con la gente, además de tener un buen conocimiento de la gramática. ¡¡Altamente recomendado! ¡Gracias Toñi!

11 Abril de 2023 2:30

I was languishing for years using Duolingo, progressing only on memorizing but not really increasing my comprehension or ability to converse in Spanish. Toni came recommended by a friend and I could not be happier with my decision to start taking lessons with him. Toni is patient and with an expert knowledge of the Spanish language that has even taught me things about the way the English language works. Since taking lessons, my comprehension, reading and conversation skills in Spanish have grown by leaps and bounds. I always enjoy my lesson and Toni keeps things challenging with varied exercises and homework, while explaining the nuances of Spanish to help me fully understand.

09 Abril de 2023 9:33

Toni is a great teacher! He explains topics very well then deepens your knowledge with a lot of practice. He has helped me a lot to feel more confident in speaking spanish and using it in my daily life

02 Abril de 2023 13:15

I only had the initial session which he booked for 30mins. It was him asking some questions and I wasn’t given space to ask any questions myself, he replied with a PDF which included the below conditions:

1. Classes are taught in Spanish.
2. The student has to use the dictionary during the classes.
3. The student agrees to do the homework in order to progress through the course.
4. If the student does not log in after 15 minutes, the class will count as done.
5. If the student cancels a class with less than 24 hours, the class will be counted as done.
6. The student who purchases the 11-lesson pack, can cancel a maximum of 2 lessons without charge as long as more than 24 hours notice is given.
7. The student can reschedule some lessons as long as the teacher has free time to do so.
8. The student is responsible for cancellations of lessons beyond the maximum allowed (2 per pack of 11).
9. The student is responsible for his/her internet connection and the proper functioning of the electricity supply in his/her work environment.
10. The teacher may propose some modifications to the timetable of the classes with prior notice to the student.
11. No refunds will be given under any circumstances.

Then I told him it is not fair for him to make changes to the classes and I cannot accept that condition because I also have a busy schedule, and he said thank you for your interest.
He seemed very arrogant to me, requesting too many things for his behalf and didn’t even explain what the structure of his lessons is, he also interrupted me while I was speaking and didn’t stop speaking when I wanted to ask a question. And my baby cried 1min left to the session’s end and he blamed my baby for the interrupting.

06 Marzo de 2023 17:01

After 50 lessons my Spanish improved by a mile!
Toni is patiently surviving my constant philosophico-grammatical hijacking attempts. Highly recommending!

13 Febrero de 2023 4:59

¡Toni es un gran profesor! Explica muy bien los temas y luego profundiza tus conocimientos con mucha práctica. Me ha ayudado mucho a sentirme más seguro al hablar español y usarlo en mi vida diaria.

09 Febrero de 2023 4:27

Solo tuve la sesión inicial que reservó durante 30 minutos. Fue él quien hizo algunas preguntas y no me dieron espacio para hacer ninguna pregunta, respondió con un PDF que incluía las siguientes condiciones:

1. Las clases se imparten en español.
2. El alumno deberá utilizar el diccionario durante las clases.
3. El estudiante se compromete a hacer la tarea para poder avanzar en el curso.
4. Si el estudiante no inicia sesión después de 15 minutos, la clase se contará como terminada.
5. Si el estudiante cancela una clase con menos de 24 horas, la clase se contará como realizada.
6. El estudiante que adquiera el pack de 11 lecciones, podrá cancelar un máximo de 2 lecciones sin cargo siempre y cuando avise con más de 24 horas de antelación.
7. El estudiante podrá reprogramar algunas lecciones siempre y cuando el profesor tenga tiempo libre para hacerlo.
8. El estudiante es responsable de las cancelaciones de lecciones más allá del máximo permitido (2 por paquete de 11).
9. El estudiante es responsable de su conexión a Internet y del buen funcionamiento del suministro eléctrico en su ambiente de trabajo.
10. El profesor podrá proponer algunas modificaciones en el horario de las clases previo aviso al alumno.
11. No se realizarán reembolsos bajo ninguna circunstancia.

Entonces le dije que no es justo que haga cambios en las clases y no puedo aceptar esa condición porque yo también tengo una agenda muy ocupada y me dijo gracias por tu interés.
Me pareció muy arrogante, pedía demasiadas cosas por su parte y ni siquiera me explicaba cuál es la estructura de sus lecciones, además me interrumpía mientras hablaba y no dejaba de hablar cuando quería hacerle una pregunta. Y mi bebé lloró cuando faltaba 1 minuto para el final de la sesión y lo culpó por interrumpir.

04 Febrero de 2023 16:35

¡Después de 50 lecciones mi español mejoró muchísimo!
Toni está sobreviviendo pacientemente a mis constantes intentos de secuestro filosófico-gramatical. ¡Muy recomendable!

12 Julio de 2022 7:43

Toni est un super prof! A la fois sérieux, rigoureux et drôle. Il m’a aidé à améliorer mon espagnol en corrigeant mes fautes et en enrichissant mon vocabulaire. Les leçons particulières sont pour moi un moyen très efficace de progresser rapidement. A chaque début de leçon Toni t’interroge sur le vocabulaire de la leçon précédente pour vérifier que tu t’en souviennes. J’ai aussi appris beaucoup de nouvelles expressions et consolidé mes acquis. Je recommande ce professeur! Merci Toni!

19 Junio de 2022 8:36

Toni is an excellent teacher who helped me take grammatical knowledge that I had obtained in group classes and apply it to everyday communication. My fluidity improved a lot with Toni, and I am very thankful for his guidance in learning to speak more like a Spaniard. He takes the time to prepare and tailor the classes to your individual goals. He has my recommendation!

18 Junio de 2022 23:41

I have learned so much in my Spanish classes with Toni! He made me feel very comfortable and always encouraged me to confidently speak in Spanish. It was the perfect amount of feeling challenged but not overwhelmed. Moreover, Toni as a person is very fun and friendly. I can only recommend him if you are trying to focus on learning how to speak in Spanish:) Thank you Toni once again for the classes!

20 Abril de 2022 7:55

Toni is a great Spanish tutor. He is very patient and tailors the classes to your needs. I definitely learned a lot from him in a short time. I'd definitely recommend him.

15 Julio de 2021 11:08

It was an absolute pleasure learning Spanish with Toni at Speak Spanish BCN. Learning a language is hard but Toni makes it easy. Toni was friendly and patient, he is passionate about teaching Spanish and prepares content which is relevant and engaging while also making it fun. I would highly recommend contacting Speak Spanish BCN to learn new grammar, expand your vocabulary and practice conversation. After practicing with Toni, you’ll be speaking Spanish like a native speaker in no time!

10 Julio de 2021 15:33

Toni makes Spanish learning so much easier. I was so surprised how much I could understand by my third lesson. Highly recommend him, super friendly and homework is manageable if you have a busy work schedule.

02 Julio de 2021 3:10

Parfait pour apprendre l'espagnol.
Professeur très compétent qui vous fera apprendre cette langue avec joie et bonne humeur.
Je recommande fortement.

29 Junio de 2021 2:02

Quando arrivai a Barcellona, quattro anni or sono, non conoscevo la differenza tra "hola" e "adiós".
Adesso sono quattro anni che colleziono complimenti per lo spagnolo e non posso negare che il 99% del merito va a Toni.
Lo spagnolo non è la prima lingua straniera che studio (oltre l'inglese) e posso tranquillamente affermare che Toni è trai pochissimi che riesce a coniugare la conoscenza accademica alla chiacchiera facile e quotidiana.
Lo raccomanderei a chiunque.

30 Mayo de 2021 0:29

My very first Spanish teacher was Toni. I am so grateful that he was the one who introduced me to this language, because he took his time to explain everything. He is professional, patient and kind qualities you need when you are learning a new language as an adult because it can get frustrating. If you are thinking of learning spanish, i'd definitely recommend Toni. Muchas Gracias Toni

23 Mayo de 2021 16:08

Toni is the best! He explains things so well and makes learning Spanish fun. I highly recommend!

23 Mayo de 2021 8:54

I met Toni when I first moved to Barcelona, he was my teacher at the language school I enrolled in. I immediately noticed how easy-going, fun and professional he was, and quickly realised what a brilliant Spanish teacher he is! I’ve since been doing private classes with him both in-person (over a coffee) and online (through Zoom). I consider him both a great teacher and a close friend!

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