Tutoring Barcelona

Direccion Av. Diagonal, 646bis, Barcelona
Telefono +34 684 07 19 77
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Categories Escuela
Clasificacion 5 21 revision
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03 Julio de 2022 10:22

So happy we've switch full time to the Learn Academy. The atmosphere is great that it hardly feels like a school, thought the level of education is very high. All teachers are so involved and devoted. They really see their students and manage to get the best out of them. We couldn't have been more happy!

26 Junio de 2022 4:21

Tutoring Barcelona is just the best learning institute out there. The individual approach, the passion for people and development from the entire staff, plus the creative ways of learning make real and important difference. I would say they are the best school in Barcelona, by a landslide!

27 Marzo de 2022 4:53

Hannah is amazing with children. She connects emotionally with the students and has the ability to get the best out of them. She is nurturing but at the same time provides a considerable level of challenge that helps build self-confidence while fostering the joy of learning. An amazing professional and person!

24 Marzo de 2022 7:15

I feel incredibly fortunate to have had my sons educated by Hannah Grech and her team of brilliant teachers at The Learn Academy (TLA). Their commitment and passion for teaching is quite extraordinary and I say that as someone who has spent most of my career around educators.

Our children, like many, are really different to one another – generally and specifically when it comes to school and learning. However Hannah and colleagues brought out the very best in both of them. The team at TLA truly appreciate and enjoy the individuality of their students and are relentlessly dedicated to helping each one realise their potential. Many schools claim this, but I’ve yet to see one that comes even close to the TLA in delivering. TLA’s teachers’ ability to bring, what can sometimes been quite mundane, curriculum to life and make it pertinent, really engaged both my boys in a way that other teachers and schools had failed to do. I know that it is only because of Hannah and her team that one of my sons stayed to finish school and that the other did so two years early and both of them, ultimately, with great results.

07 Marzo de 2022 8:04

An amazing new style of teaching and learning environment which is built around a passion for modern education. Hannah has created an amazing place for young people to learn. We came to Barcelona in 2016 from Australia and after a stint at BFIS were looking for something more motivating, dynamic, responsive, relevant and capable for our now 16 year old son. The combination of incredibly passionate, capable teachers, a really nice space, and wonderful values weave their way through the everyday to drive greater interest and passion in the young adults who are lucky enough to attend. It is world class. And first class. And apparently quite a fun class.

11 Febrero de 2022 18:38

At this school, we are surrounded by teachers who truly have a passion for what they do, putting in plenty of effort into ensuring that we are confident in our work. The learning style is refreshing, engaging and interactive. Since attending this school, I have developed many new skills that I was lacking previously and I'm very happy to be a part of the community that Hannah has created which is welcoming and full of kind and enthusiastic teachers and classmates.

10 Febrero de 2022 19:48

The ways of teaching that were present in my other schools in Barcelona were very questionable, however the second I joined this school I realised that it was very much possible to be able to sit down a learn stuff. I feel engaged and motivated when in class which is something I thought I would never be able to do. The teachers are all welcoming, intelligent and overall kind people. Probably the best school in BCN.

05 Febrero de 2022 20:48

I’ve been attending this school for 2 years now, and I can comfortably say it is the best school in Barcelona by a long shot. The teachers are all excellent, they provide a warm, safe, and fun learning environment for students, they all excel at teaching their respective courses in a dynamic manner (my favourite probably being English). Additionally, the overall vibe of the school is incredibly warm and welcoming, all of the students get along really well and it creates a really great environment, the class sizes create a very cozy and close knit environment that make even classes about difficult or less interesting topics incredibly entertaining. It’s evident that the teachers really care about the overall health and well-being of their students, not just their grades.

The location of the school is amazing as well, being right across from the huge shopping mall L’illa, where many students go to get stuff to eat during lunch.overall, as a student who has lived in Barcelona for over 5 years and has been to a variety of different schools, this is by far the best one in BCN. The director, Hannah grech, has done an amazing job running this wonderful school.

30 Enero de 2022 5:02

This School is very cozy and warm, it has a high educational level and teachers that help with everything if you have any issues!

24 Enero de 2022 22:55

My son started midway through the school year at The Learn Academy. He had been struggling in most subjects and lacked motivation. We heard about Hannah though her tutoring and enrolled him in tutoring for English maths, and were trying to get Caroline for the Sciences. He had been at an American and British international school since age 3. We never were able to see his potential and it seemed that he wasn’t hugely interested or keen on working hard. When he started at TLA we saw a huge improvement immediately. He was engaged, focused and loved every single teacher. I believe with the great teachers and small class sizes this has no doubt been the crucial thing lacking previously. He stays late at school to do his homework every day which has taken the huge strain off doing homework at home and there are no longer any fights. He is extremely happy at school. Has made good friends and has grown up a lot in these months. His school report at the end of the year was so fantastic I was lost for words. This school couldn’t be more perfect for us and I feel truly lucky we were able to find Hannah and all the wonderful teachers there. We had thought we would return to the previous school originally for A levels but Dylan and I no longer want this. He’s excited to do A levels at TLA and has already passed two a year early with the help and encouragement of his teachers.

10 Enero de 2022 16:19

I have been attending tutoring lessons at Tutoring Barcelona for three years and am now a full time student, and I could not be happier with the outstanding quality of education that I am receiving. All of the teachers do a magnificent job making the classes interesting and engaging while also providing clear explanations. It is a wonderful school community that I am grateful to be a part of!

09 Enero de 2021 11:22

I have been attending classes with the Centre’s teachers and worked alongside the Director, Hannah Grech, for over 5 years now. The service and dedication they provide is unmatched in Barcelona. The atmosphere is also excellent and curated well by the teachers who build a trustworthy platform for students to express themselves and relate to others, something that is lacking at other institutions in the city. Would highly recommend the group/personal classes as well as the full time A level program as I have really enjoyed and benefited working so closely with their teachers.

17 Octubre de 2020 22:34

I cannot say enough good things about Tutoring Barcelona!
My daughter looks forward to her Maths lessons with Hannah every week. She makes learning maths fun and has given my daughter so much confidence. Thank you Tutoring Barcelona!

22 Agosto de 2020 20:23

Really inviting atmosphere, always looking forward to going to the lessons. Have met and connected with a lot of other students and improved on my work.

21 Agosto de 2020 20:05

I've been working here for such a short time, but I already know my writing is improving. I learn a lot every time and it is also so enjoyable! Thank you so much Hannah!

09 Agosto de 2020 18:21

I used to despise Math, now, thanks to Caroline and Hannah, I don't. It is so easy to rock up with some santa- gloria (a coffee shop) hot chocolate and just do math with them as bond with your fellow students while complaining about other people's incompetence, and how you struggle with quadratic equations.thank you, Hannah, and Caroline,

06 Agosto de 2020 4:34

Caroline is the best teacher in the world! She can literally teach anything! I'm an IB student and this center has helped me in all of courses that I take. Especially, since its location is very centric, it's very easy to come right after school. The staff is very kind and wonderfully accommodating, especially when I have exams or assignments due. I would recommend it to any student who is either behind or wants to get ahead!

17 Julio de 2020 8:42

I have been to a lot of schools in Barcelona and Tutoring Barcelona has helped me the most with my studies. The teachers are incredibly nice and extremely helpful. I'm now at the centre full time doing my A levels which is great because times are very flexible around my football and I can gain my final school certificate.

13 Julio de 2020 7:16

The teachers at tutoring Barcelona have been very helpful. I have done many tutoring sessions but none have helped me as much as this one. They know what I struggle with and help me to get better every day. I love working with the teachers at Tutoring Barcelona.

30 Junio de 2020 4:50

We moved to Barcelona from Colorado for one year, never thinking too much about what it might feel like for our children to fall behind their rigorous American curriculum in their school back home in the United States. Even though they attend the American School of Barcelona, which is truly one of the top private schools here, and has much to its credit, it does seem as though the elementary school level curriculum in Colorado moves significantly faster, is able to be more engaging, and offers much more adult one on one instruction for the students as it utilizes paraprofessionals and parent volunteers on a regular basis.

Tutoring Barcelona has been able to fill these educational gaps for us beautifully. My son and daughter who are 7 years old and 9 years old in 2nd and 3rd grades, love learning writing and Math with Hannah Grech. Hannah is the owner of Tutoring Barcelona and she is whip smart, warm, and a gifted teacher of children. Children love her, and love the excellent tutors that she carefully chooses and trains. Her English is perfect as she is a native English speaker, I’m forgetting now if she might be British or Australian. Learning with Hannah Grech has been just like having the most excellent lead classroom teacher all to ourselves for a few hours each week, and she can cover an enormous amount in the smaller more tailored setting of group or private tutorials. Last but not least, she is a wonderful connecter and communicator with her students and the parents. My children love and look forward to going to their tutoring sessions at Tutoring Barcelona and Hannah updates me on my childrens’ learning progress every time we come to see her. Plus it’s physical location is so well located, bright, cheerful, clean and inviting, it easy and surprisingly lovely to learn at Tutoring Barcelona.

We are so grateful to Tutoring Barcelona, thank you for getting us back on track with our learning and making the process so painless and fun for my children. Returning to the US schools next year won’t be hard, having had your highest quality help to stay on track.

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