Bikram Yoga Madrid

Direccion Calle del Divino Pastor, 25, Madrid
Telefono +34 915 23 11 41
lunes09:30-11:30, 18:00-19:00
martes09:30-11:30, 18:00-19:30
miercoles09:30-11:30, 18:00-19:30
jueves09:30-11:30, 18:00-19:30
viernes09:30-11:30, 18:00-19:30
Sitio web
Categories Centro de yoga, Programa de acondicionamiento físico
Clasificacion 3.7 24 opiniones
Bikram Yoga Spain © Malasaña
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Bikram Yoga Madrid opiniones

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24 Diciembre de 2019 14:26

No suelo escribir reseñas malas, pero en este caso es necesario, especialmente por la respuesta del centro que ha sido nula.

En una sesión me dio una migraña fuerte (llevo haciendo Bikram un tiempo - intermitente - y nunca me había pasado) y tuve que salirme de la clase. La profesora me echó la bronca por salir, por ser "una falta de respeto a los compañeros" (no hice ni un ápice de ruido y estaba justo en la puerta - nadie se enteró). Como tienen solo a una persona en el centro (el/la profesora), esperé unos 20 minutos para que me abriera la puerta de la calle. Nunca salió a ver qué tal, ni nada.

La primera vez que visité el centro fue en 2011. El centro no está mal, pero no me siento cómodo en un sitio en el que se te dicen las cosas de malas formas (en general y en mi caso particular), y más si es un tema de salud. Y más siendo yoga, cuya filosofía es todo lo contrario (hacer lo que se pueda y seguir tu ritmo). Nadie debería estar obligado a quedarse encerrado en la clase/el centro y tendrían que ser no solo más flexibles, o coger a alguien que esté siempre en recepción, sino más cuidadosos por si hay problemas más serios.

He perdido bastantes clases de un abono, pero no volveré.

(Y si a esto le añadimos todas las noticias de abuso sobre el fundador, aunque los profesores y centros locales no tengan la culpa.pues qué más decir)

28 Septiembre de 2019 8:08

El estudio es super pequeño los focos de luz deslumbran tus ojos cuando haces los ejercicios mirando arriba, cosa que se podría pasar por alto si la monitora no fuera una sobervia que el primer día de clase se aprende tu nombre y cuando tu no puedes más por las condiciones físicas en las que te encuentras un día la profesora te intenta humillar delante de todos tus nuevos compañeros diciendo tu nombre en alto y aclarando que no puedes estar tumbado, cuando todos los que hacemos Hot Yoga sabemos que es una práctica personal y que cada practicante la hace a su ritmo puesto que no es ninguna competición y la meta es aguantar la clase hasta el final. La verdad que pague el primer día y no volví nunca más a este studio. He vuelto a mi anterior hot yoga studio puesto que todos los profesores son realmente profesionales y hacen que la clase sea amena y didáctica, es más caro y está más lejos pero en vista de la experiencia me quedo donde estaba.

21 Junio de 2019 18:33

I've been to this studio a few times. I always had a wonderful experience. Great and polite teachers. Classes are small and personable.

12 Junio de 2019 19:31

I’m honestly not one to write reviews—but it’s been days since my experience at this studio and I’m honestly still in disbelief.

I’m an expat from California living in Madrid and was looking forward to finding a Bikram studio to continue my practice while I’m living abroad. I came across this studio and was excited and eager to go to a place that had such great reviews and was Bikram style.

My friend and I walk in, the place was simply designed and seemed clean but really smelled bad, which made it feel less sanitary. We were met with some hostility because of our inability to speak Spanish fluently, which truly we were sad we couldn’t. We apologized and continued the sign up process, and proceeded to fill out paper work. I was given some attitude about how my name was spelled and it was really odd, tried to make a joke and blow it off and go into class.

Once my friend and I get into class we notice the room is small but they really pack everyone in there. I couldn’t even extend my arms out for some poses because we were so close to each other, so I did my best to stagger myself with the limited room, but it definitely takes away from the experience. But what really was just awful was that throughout the class the same teacher who signed us up begins chastising and berating my friend when she needed to stop and take breaks (this was her first hot yoga experience), he at one point literally announced during our class that “if she had been in better shape these poses would be easy for her and there are people twice her age who can do this. ” This was just one of the many comments made in front of everyone during our class. The amount of hostility and the passive-aggressive attitude we received in this one class was so palpable and so very uncomfortable. And frankly, it is so opposite of what the point of yoga should stand for, I could not believe it was really happening. It really was a testimony to yoga mindset because I did everything I could to focus on my breathing, and on light and positivity, to not stand up for my friend and I, or just walk out of that class.

Once the class was over the teacher actually called me back to the desk to then explain to me again how my name is spelled improperly according to traditional ways of spelling grammar, literally writing my name out in Hebrew and comparing it. We just thanked him for class and I even apologized if we had annoyed him in any way. Had he really spent the entire class hating us this much upon meeting us? To treat us this was and then again feel the need to prove some sense of superiority with the name? It was so ironic to me that yoga is supposed to be about openness, light, love and acceptance and I felt as though I had to shake off some dark unhappy energy once we left.

Maybe he was just having a bad day, I’m not sure.but I do know that I’m struggling with the idea of going back there, potentially having him as the teacher again.

We were so looking forward to joining a community to practice with during our time here and I left with such bad feelings. I honestly wish I could get my money back from the 10 class pack I paid for, but at this point I’m willing to forget it because of how awful the experience was. I’m going to be looking for somewhere else to go and I truly hope no one else experiences this if they attend this studio.

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