El Huffington Post, Madrid

Direccion C. de Miguel Yuste, 40, Madrid
Telefono +34 913 37 82 00
Sitio web
Categories Editor de periódicos
Clasificacion 3.7 3 opiniones
Empresas similares cercanas
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El Huffington Post opiniones

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20 Marzo de 2019 1:46

This is one of the latest sold out den for presstitutes. Do not believe me? Visit the India version of Huffington post. You would be led to believe that there is utter chaos and rampant corruption in India. The reality is completely opposite and one soon realizes that the oposition political party has this huffington post in its pocked. Every alternate day, media reports from this publishing house are forced to be redacted or corrected because they belive in the philosophy that repeating a lie a thousand times makes people believe it to be true. With such rampant bias against the hindus and the current govt and support for islamists and fundametalism in its writing, this media house should be banned for its use as propoganda machinery!

10 Mayo de 2018 4:15

Es un gran edificio, donde se cocinan varios de los periódicos más importantes de España.

09 Abril de 2017 21:31

El Huffington Post es genial, imprescindible, indispensable. Un motor del cambio social hacia el niveles de conciencia superiores. Lo visito todos los días. 6 estrellas.

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