Le Wagon Madrid

Direccion C. del Dr. Esquerdo, 70, Madrid
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Categories Academia de informática, Escuela de educación para adultos, Centro educativo, Institución educativa, Software training institute
Clasificacion 4.9 27 opiniones
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Le Wagon Madrid opiniones

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07 Octubre de 2023 6:31

BOOTCAMP DE CIENCIA DE DATOS: abril de 2023 - junio de 2023

**Introducción: **

Me tomé el tiempo para escribir esta reseña porque quería ser lo más objetivo posible, dado que las reseñas de Google fueron una de las razones por las que elegí Le Wagon. Esta reseña no es tanto sobre Le Wagon Madrid (no tengo más que cosas buenas que decir sobre la gente que trabaja allí) sino más bien sobre mi experiencia con el programa en sí.

**Fondo: **

Tengo 35 años y casi 12 años de experiencia trabajando como Ingeniero Electrónico. Vivo en Madrid y busco trabajo aquí en España.

**Trabajo de preparación: **

Después de ser aceptado en el bootcamp, tuve acceso a una plataforma de preparación que cubría Python, álgebra, cálculo y conocimientos fundamentales esenciales. Sin embargo, me decepcionó descubrir que gran parte del contenido no era propietario y consistía principalmente en enlaces a sitios web externos y vídeos obsoletos de YouTube. El trabajo preparatorio careció de cohesión y contó con recursos redundantes.

**Curso: **

El contenido del curso en sí fue extenso y atractivo, e introdujo nuevos conceptos casi a diario. Una ventaja notable es el acceso de por vida al curso completo y a las actualizaciones, así como el acceso a la comunidad Slack de Le Wagon.

Sin embargo, el talón de Aquiles del programa fue la calidad de los instructores. Durante las nueve semanas, tuvimos seis instructores, dos de los cuales eran deficientes. Un instructor durante las tres semanas iniciales críticas carecía de experiencia profesional y tenía dificultades para responder preguntas, lo que afectó nuestro aprendizaje fundamental. El instructor final, responsable de ayudar con los proyectos, tenía una barrera del idioma que impedía una comunicación significativa. Esto significó que cinco de las nueve semanas fueron decepcionantes.

**Semana de carrera: **

El punto más débil del programa fue sin duda la Semana de la Carrera. A pesar de su duración de una semana, sirvió de poco. Las promesas de visitas presenciales a las empresas siguieron sin cumplirse y solo se celebró una charla virtual.

**Búsqueda de trabajo: **

En los cuatro meses posteriores al bootcamp, solo logré conseguir dos entrevistas, ninguna de ellas para puestos de ciencia de datos. La dura realidad es que muchas ofertas de trabajo requieren títulos de maestría, lo que dificulta la competencia para los graduados del bootcamp. Además, el contenido del curso a menudo carecía de la profundidad necesaria para los requisitos laborales del mundo real, como Python orientado a objetos y SQL.

Encontrar puestos de nivel inicial también es una lucha, ya que la mayoría exigía al menos un año de experiencia, e incluso los puestos que no requerían experiencia previa a menudo requieren que los candidatos sean elegibles para firmar un contrato de pasantía con una universidad o ser recién graduados, dejando Los graduados del bootcamp se encuentran en una posición desafiante.

**Conclusión: **

En resumen, el bootcamp de ciencia de datos de Le Wagon tuvo sus puntos fuertes, particularmente en el contenido integral del curso y el acceso de por vida a los recursos. Sin embargo, se vio empañado por la mala calidad de los instructores, una Semana de Carrera ineficaz y dificultades en la búsqueda de empleo después del bootcamp.
Encontrar un trabajo en el campo de la ciencia de datos a menudo parece una cuestión de suerte o conexiones más que un resultado directo del bootcamp. En el competitivo mercado laboral actual, está claro que simplemente completar el programa no es suficiente. En su lugar, considere la posibilidad de realizar campamentos de entrenamiento que ofrezcan asistencia y apoyo sólidos para la colocación laboral, ya que esto parece crucial para asegurar el empleo en el campo.

27 Septiembre de 2023 4:52

Fue una experiencia increíble para mí. Uno de los aspectos más cruciales es que conseguí un trabajo apenas tres meses después de graduarme en el campo de la ciencia de datos. En mi trabajo, puedo afirmar con seguridad que mis conocimientos de SQL y Python están a la par de las personas que han estudiado informática o tienen experiencia previa con lenguajes de programación.

Sin embargo, también debo enfatizar que no hay magia involucrada. Si quieres tener éxito, también debes comprometerte a aprender en tu propio tiempo. Recomiendo estudiar Python básico de antemano, ya que esto le proporcionará una base sólida. Luego podrás utilizar el BootCamp como entorno práctico para probar y reforzar tus habilidades.

24 Abril de 2023 21:13

El bootcamp ha sido una experiencia increíble para mí tanto en el desarrollo de habilidades técnicas en ciencia de datos como en el lado humano.

16 Abril de 2023 3:03

Mi consejo es que lo hagas si quieres entrar en el código. El programa está muy bien estructurado y lo único que agregaría es más tiempo en JavaScript. El bootcamp es rápido e intenso. A veces puede que te sientas abrumado, pero es normal, así que haz preguntas a tus compañeros y profesores siempre que te sientas estancado. Todos los profesores, personal y colegas fueron súper amables y serviciales. Puede que estudiar online sea más barato, pero creo que al final no habría aprendido ni la mitad del programa impartido en el bootcamp y me llevaría mucho más tiempo y esfuerzo. Realmente disfruté la experiencia y solo lamento haberla pospuesto por tanto tiempo.

16 Abril de 2023 2:18

Vine desde Estados Unidos para hacer el Bootcamp de Desarrollo Web en Madrid y es la mejor decisión que he tomado. Siento que aprendí una base realmente excelente para el desarrollo web para comenzar una nueva carrera, y Le Wagon se aseguró de que me sintiera cómodo y tuviera todo lo que necesitaba como estudiante y como alguien que vive en una nueva ciudad. El personal es amigable, conocedor y extrovertido, los instructores están muy bien informados y siempre están disponibles para preguntas y la forma en que está estructurado el bootcamp, con mucha experiencia práctica, realmente me ayudó a sentirme cómodo con la codificación.

12 Abril de 2023 23:23

Seguí el bootcamp de ciencia de datos para aprender más sobre aprendizaje automático e inteligencia artificial. ¡¡y la experiencia en el campus de Madrid fue simplemente increíble! Si estás buscando una formación intensiva en codificación, ¡definitivamente es el lugar ideal! ¡Un lugar divertido para aprender!

06 Enero de 2023 18:27

While I was studying my fourth year of the Computer Science and Business Administration Bachelor, I decided that I needed a more practical approach to the technologies that are used in the Data Science industry. I started searching for different Coding Bootcamps, and Le wagon was the one that stood out more for me. First of all, it was the only one that was offering the Data Science intense course in English, and secondly, it was rated the best one in Europe.
So I decided to join and it was hands-down one of the best decisions I have ever made, the mix between practical knowledge and implementation made the bootcamp super fun and an enriching experience. All of this mixed with the buddy system and a great, friendly atmosphere created the perfect fast-paced learning environment.
The last two weeks of building our own project were super fun but one of the most intense of my life, thank you to everyone who I shared this experience with!
The best is yet to come!

10 Noviembre de 2022 2:59

While studying philosophy, I became interested in the explanatory potential that data science might have in the social sciences. After I graduated, I started toying with the idea of becoming a data scientist, but it seemed like I had nothing of the background knowledge required to get my career started. That is why attending the Le Wagon Data Science bootcamp in Madrid has been such a transformative experience. I have mastered skills that just a bit over two months ago seemed completely out of reach, in great part thanks to the support and encouragement of an outstanding staff. Moreover, I have also become part of an active, friendly community that has continued to support me as I begin my new journey in data science. That is why I am thrilled to join my friends at Le Wagon once again, this time as a Teacher Assistant.

21 Octubre de 2022 6:29

This September (2022), I completed the 10-week Web Development bootcamp at Le Wagon, and it has been one of the best decisions I have made in my career. I was trying to get started in the tech world, but it was really difficult and chaotic to do it by myself. Finally I found Le Wagon, with all the benefits they offer, and I couldn’t be more satisfied. The teaching process they use is 100% accurate and efficient, but also they prepare Career Week to help you find a job!
I attended the course in Madrid, and the team there is formed by awesome people who help you in every single step of the process - the human value is remarkable and that makes a huge difference in the learning experience.
Now I am really grateful to Le Wagon, not just for helping me achieve my career goals, but most of all for the unique and awesome way they do it.

17 Septiembre de 2022 16:18

Before joining Le Wagon, I was a business graduate who was looking into what my next professional stepping stone was going to be. I always wanted to code and I quickly figured learning Data Science would be a valuable path take as it is the science of how to make sense and use all the information that is available around us. For this reason, I joined Le Wagon and throughout those 10 weeks, I had had the most fast-paced, exciting and memorable learning experience that I could have hoped for. The bootcamp is definitely super intense and immersive and you have to be fully committed. There’s a lecture in the morning, and then you work on challenge all day with an assigned buddy. It makes it really straight-forward, and you start coding on the very first day. The staff is great and extremely supportive. Moreover, once you are in Le Wagon, you have access to all of the resources you used and to all the Le Wagon community which involves their alumni network, job offers and many others. For all those reasons, I truly recommend Le Wagon to anyone wanting to develop new skills, change careers and to be part of a network of excellence.

17 Septiembre de 2022 2:53

When I joined the bootcamp, I just graduated from high school and learning this skill at Le Wagon was absolutely awesome! It was a great experience and an incredibly helpful skill I recommend every prospective student to learn!

11 Agosto de 2022 10:14

I am a business student at King's College, but I always wanted to learn how to code. Le Wagon was the perfect way to learn. The environment is the best I could hope for: the teachers are amazingly attentive, supportive and friendly. The rhythm is intense but you will learn so much so fast that you'll feel really proud when it's over! As a girl, I felt empowered and included in this tech-environment, would recommend 1000% to everybody!

30 Julio de 2022 15:44

I was looking for a career change and I was interested in data so I joined Le Wagon in Madrid. You need to do some prep-work just to get in. It’s hard but manageable, even for someone with no previous math or coding background like me. I guess It took me longer than an engineer might need, but I came prepared thanks to the really good prep work they curate for you.

The Bootcamp is really hard but everything is so well organized and thought of, that you just keep pushing and making progress. At first you have this feeling that you are barely making it, but before you know, you are proficient with data analytics, machine learning, deep learning… It’s crazy how much you can learn in such a short period of time. For me it became much easier from the beginning of the third week onwards, everything just started to make sense much faster. You obviously don’t know everything at the end, this is a broad subject to say the least… but you are ready to tackle on any data related issue.

The staff is amazing, you can really tell that they are there for you, always supportive. I’ve just finished the Bootcamp, but I can already tell that this has been a life changing experience. Super recommended.

27 Junio de 2022 11:57

After contrasting multiple experiences, I decided to take a turn and project my professional future in the field of Programming!

At the beginning, I was striving to learn Web Development tools by myself but was not successful, so I decided to do a full-time bootcamp!

Now I just finished this incredible experience: after 9 intense weeks of challenges and stress I can proudly say that I finished the Le Wagon Spain Web Development bootcamp - Madrid batch #875!

These weeks have been an amazing time, I have learned so much about the world of Full-stack Development and I had the opportunity to meet some incredible people along the way like the amazing Madrid staff (Emilia Ivaylova Stefanova, Fanny Rojon and Gonzalo Guerra Figueroa), the talented teaching team and my classmates (now friends, especially thanks to the buddy system which is the best)! I am super proud to be part of this great community!

23 Junio de 2022 9:09

I avoided doing a bootcamp for a long time because I thought that if I just tried hard enough, I would be able to learn to code by myself. After finishing the Le Wagon Web Development bootcamp I see that even though it is possible to learn on your own, it is simply smarter to have people help you along the way. The environment at Le Wagon is perfect for learning, and in nine weeks I learned more than I would have in a year alone. I had a great experience with my teachers and fellow students and it was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made.

12 Junio de 2022 10:41

My experience at Lewagon Madrid

My experience at LeWagon Madrid has been very pleasant and very different from any other type of education I have received in my life.
It is not necessary to know how to code, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to change the course of their professional life.
The school is super modern.
The teachers are always motivated, and they love what they do.
Le Wagon has a very big community, and that’s the best thing to have after the bootcamp.

26 Mayo de 2022 15:57

After discovering that I was very interested in programming, I enrolled in Le Wagon’s full stack development bootcamp without knowing much about it. From the first day, all of the teachers and staff were very welcoming, and always were available to help us if we had any problems. It was a very positive environment. Every day, there was a nice combination of interesting lectures and challenges, and two projects at the end of the bootcamp. Starting with almost no coding knowledge, I was able (with a team) to build two functioning websites from scratch. It was a very intensive but very rewarding learning experience. I would definitely recommend it to any of my friends and family. Le wagon allowed to adquire enough knowledge to apply for jobs, and right now I am applying for web development jobs working remotely for all over the world!

25 Mayo de 2022 1:15

From the coding skills to the life-long friends to the confidence I’ve gained, Le Wagon is truly a life changing experience. I loved the buddy system which allowed me to develop strong relationships with each and every person in my class and now I genuinely feel that I have the support from my classmates, the LeWagon team and teachers to be successful as a web developer. The final project really solidified everything I learned in the previous 7 weeks and it was a very proud moment for me and my team when our web app whose idea I came up with was developed, deployed and finally pitched. I would recommend Le Wagon to anyone who wants to learn the skills, is up for a challenge, and loves to be part of a close community.

14 Abril de 2022 11:03

After a couple of failed attempts to start coding through online courses I signed up for the full stack web development 9 weeks bootcamp at Le Wagon Madrid. It was an amazing experience from beginning to end! The course is very well organized and structured, with excellent tools and a great environment that help you make progress every day. Teachers, staff and students were all super committed in helping everyone make the most out of this collaborative learning experience. Highly recommend it if you are thinking of taking your first steps as a developer, or just want to close the gap with technology teams, which was my case as an industrial engineer working in operations and business tech organizations. Thanks Le Wagon for everything!

12 Marzo de 2022 12:55

I'm a Designer who had always wanted to learn how to code, and had tried many different approaches, and definitely Le Wagon's structure, teachers and curriculum was the best thing I could have chosen. As soon as the first week ended I knew I had made the right decision. Through 9 very intense weeks I learned concepts I had no idea I was capable of learning, the teachers make it look so easy, the Teacher Assistants help you feel like an expert all by yourself, and now that I have finished, it's amazing how many things, and new learning paths I have. I am now a Designer who knows how to build his own creations, and that's the best thing that could've happened to me, I feel ready for any challenge, any job, any project. I thought I was entering a course that was going to teach me HTML, and now, for my own surprise, I can even call myself a Full Stack Dev, that's astounding. So now, from my own portfolio, to any web app I can imagine, I'm ready to build.

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