Advanced Chiropractic/Quiropráctica Avanzada, L'Albir

Direccion Edificio Palatino II, Carrer Pau Casals, 7, L'Albir
Telefono +34 966 86 54 32
martes09:30-13:00, 16:00-18:00
miercoles09:30-13:00, 16:00-19:00
Sitio web
Categories Quiropráctico, Masajista, Nutricionista, Entrenador personal, Fisioterapeuta
Clasificacion 4.5 19 opiniones
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Advanced Chiropractic/Quiropráctica Avanzada opiniones

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27 Septiembre de 2023 6:49

Fui con muchisimo dolor por hernia discal y dolor de ciatica, apenas podía caminar, antes de conocer el excelente profesional pasé dos meses en casa con dolores insoportables medicos intentando tratar mi dolencia y sin exito, tambien me dijeron que tienen que operar me que no hay solución, me recomendaron ir en la Quiropractica Avanzada y asi hice llame y me dieron cita super rapido, senti mucho alivio después de la primera visita, Alexander un gran profesional que sabe de su trabajo y como tratar con la gente estoy súper contenta y agradecida por todo y lo recomiendo a todo el mundo que vaya con el

29 Agosto de 2023 15:45

Quiropráctica Avanzada, gracias por el buen trato, llegué aquí al Albir con un dolor lumbar agudo y después de 2 tratamientos ya me siento mucho mejor. Así que a todos los belgas y holandeses, si os quedáis aquí y tenéis problemas de espalda, os recomiendo esta práctica.

28 Mayo de 2023 7:44

Alex y su equipo pueden realizar verdaderos milagros. Cuando los encontré por primera vez, apenas podía caminar. Después de una docena de visitas, volví a la forma que no había tenido durante años. Hoy, gracias al ejercicio y al cuidado holístico, tengo la impresión de que estoy más en forma que cuando tenía 20 años.muchas gracias alex

08 Abril de 2023 5:55

My wife went to see Dr. Aleksander Bjargo due to shiatica pain from which she was suffering for a year. Having tried many different treatments but unsuccessfully, she started feeling better right after the first visit so we went back few more times and we are very pleased with the pain relief Dr. Bjargo treatments had provided. His highly professional approach and deep knowledge about human body, combined with genuine friendliness and sensitivity, made those visits unforgivable. Dr. Bjargo also introduced my wife with therapist and personal trainer Kristin Tennebo whose worked out complex exercises designed specifically for this kind of pain. We are very pleased with the results and highly recommend Quiropractica Avanzada office in Albir. Special thanks to Dr. Bjargo!

07 Abril de 2023 10:41

Estoy encantada y feliz desde que acudí a la consulta del Doctor Aleksander. El me cambio la vida.
De estar continuamente con dolor de lumbalgia y ciática, a volver a una vida normal sin dolor. Muchísimas gracias.

01 Febrero de 2023 9:33

Ciclista en el campamento del equipo en Altea, las rodillas malas aquí no son problema, se soluciona rápido y fácil con un pequeño esguince en la espalda. Absolutamente superior

26 Enero de 2023 14:15

Mi esposa fue a ver al Dr. Aleksander Bjargo debido a un dolor shiático que padecía desde hacía un año. Después de haber probado muchos tratamientos diferentes, pero sin éxito, empezó a sentirse mejor inmediatamente después de la primera visita, así que volvimos unas cuantas veces más y estamos muy satisfechos con el alivio del dolor que le habían proporcionado los tratamientos del Dr. Bjargo. Su enfoque altamente profesional y su profundo conocimiento sobre el cuerpo humano, combinados con una genuina amabilidad y sensibilidad, hicieron que esas visitas fueran imperdonables. El Dr. Bjargo también le presentó a mi esposa a la terapeuta y entrenadora personal Kristin Tennebo, quien desarrolló ejercicios complejos diseñados específicamente para este tipo de dolor. Estamos muy satisfechos con los resultados y recomendamos encarecidamente la oficina de Quiropractica Avanzada en Albir. ¡Un agradecimiento especial al Dr. Bjargo!

10 Abril de 2022 0:53

Came here during my training camp because of pain in ankle and low back. After two visits I was able to continue training normally without any pain. Totally can recommend this place for everyone!

25 Agosto de 2021 12:52

Very profesional and great service. Alexander fixed my my back pain just after 2 consultans. Thanks a lot

09 Agosto de 2021 22:29

Very friendly and professional people. I felt in good hands and that I was listened to and that they took the time to find the symptoms and the correct treatment.

26 Julio de 2021 11:23

I went there with a really bad pain on my lower back and my legs, the chiropractor, his name was Alex, didn’t perform any pre tests on me to assess the origin, he merely spent about 10 minutes cracking my back, I was very worried and had lots of questions which he didn’t seem to answer or even be bothered about answering, had a pre paid block of 10 sessions. His attitude was indifferent and seemed to rush things off.

13 Julio de 2021 15:00

My goal when I came to Spain was to restore my health, which had been bad for the last few months - with a pain in my neck, shoulders and back. I had heard from a good professional chiropractor in Albir that I visited. After 5 times, Bjargo and his massage team managed to get my body in shape and in fact after every time I walked out of his clinic, I felt new and better in every way. It does not hurt that the walks I was advised to practice after each treatment were just wonderful in this very beautiful beach town - Albir in Spain. Thank you, Bjargo!

09 Enero de 2020 1:33

Aleksander the chiropractor is an highly skilled, capable and amazing person. He's the owner of the clinic and has a highly capable team including an physiotherapist and massage.
Aleksander is not like other chiropractors who "milk the cow", he's a 100% in it to help other people.
He's precice and focuses only on the affected area, but he will crack your whole back if you ask for it

As a soon to be physiotherapist, I highly recommend Alexander and his clinic Advanced Chiropractic&physiotherapy. They are truly an amazing team!

18 Diciembre de 2019 20:42

I lived in agony and pain because of my lower back for a long time.
Dr Bjargo really helped me a lot and i recommend him to anyone looking for an top level chiropractor!

Sama suomeksi. Samma på svenska.

29 Septiembre de 2019 16:07

I'm the biggest skeptic when it comes to "Holistic" care, be it Chiropractors or homeopathic alternatives to pain killers. Advanced Chiropractic-Altea has changed my outlook due to the professionalism of it's staff and the unequivocal positive results I have after just 2 sessions. I was extremely lucky to find them and you will be as well.
Tak Skål du Har Alex.

08 Agosto de 2019 20:07

Had pain in my back and found this place on facebook. Sent a messenger message in the evening and they arranged an appointment the day after.
Alexander performed a detailed check of my back and started to treat me. It turned out that Alexander is, by far, the most skilled chiropractic doctor I've ever used. I've re-visited them for like 3-4 times and my satisfaction is 100% every time I leave.
I can strongly recommend this clinic.

25 Febrero de 2019 15:57

La QUIROPRACTICA funciona y va genial pero es carísimo mantener un tratamiento durante toda la vida, es una pena.
He llamado y cuesta 120€ primera revisión y 45€ las siguientes
El quiropractico del Arabia cuesta 70€ primera vez y 40€ las siguientes.
En Alfaz quieopractico Johan Nilsón cuesta sobre 50€ primera vez y 35€ la siguiente.
Así que os animo a q nos unamos todos los usuarios de la QUIROPRACTICA y acudamos a Johan Nilson que es un profesional espectacular y así a ver si conseguimos q baje precios para poder seguir acudiendo para toda la vida.
Si podéis apoyar está iniciativa hacerlo con opiniones! Vamos animo!

J Sound
25 Enero de 2019 15:55

I'm not sure that I would call this advanced chiropractics I don't think the people giving me a Justin are that advanced while they advertise that they're so experience and skills I didn't find that to be the case. There seems to be a lot of gimmicks they use. Putting mechanical things on your back that show up on an iPad that tells the chiropractor this or that. The adjustments are rough and the chiropractor that my wife's all wasn't very friendly at all. Parking could be very difficult as well and they sell a bunch of stuff vitamins pillows in their office what's just in my opinion made me feel more like it wasn't a serious chiropractic clinic more so about selling their products. I would look elsewhere in my opinion before going here.

21 Septiembre de 2018 23:57

Most of all a great plus that these are norwegians. The Albir, Benidorm and Altea areas house many norwegians, so to be able to speak your own language when explaining where it hurts greatly helps. I must stress that they're more than capable helping you in spanish or english as well. And they do great work. I was there twice with an issue in my lower back, which Aleksander straightened out within minutes after having found the cause.
If you are in need of a chiropractic, I'm sure they'll be able to help.

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