Medicality, Valencia

Direccion C. del Pintor Sorolla, 19, Valencia
Telefono +34 962 32 41 55
lunes10:00-14:00, 16:00-19:30
martes10:00-14:00, 16:00-19:30
miercoles10:00-14:00, 16:00-19:30
jueves10:00-14:00, 16:00-19:30
Sitio web
Categories Centro médico, Clínica de acupuntura, Dermatólogo, Médico de medicina general, Cirujano ortopédico
Clasificacion 4.2 19 opiniones
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Campuslaser: Clínica Médico Estética — Edificio Galileo Galilei, Av. dels Tarongers, S/N, València
Centro Médico Milenium Valencia — Av. de les Balears, 71, Valencia

Centro médico Medicality opiniones

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17 Septiembre de 2023 6:10

He encontrado mucha amabilidad y rapidez tanto a la hora de reservar y pedir informacion respecto a un servicio en concreto, como con la terapeuta

11 Septiembre de 2023 22:48

Trato profesional y experiencia. El médico y la recepcionista fueron amables, serviciales y competentes. Recomiendo esta clínica 100%.

04 Septiembre de 2023 1:51

Muy amable doctora, habla alemán e inmediatamente reconoció mi mal oído medio y mi amigdalitis y me recetó antibióticos. Merece la pena gastarse 90€ por un buen tratamiento: en urgencias gratuitas de otro hospital de Valencia no me habían detectado ninguna infección el día anterior.

01 Septiembre de 2023 18:53

Estoy acudiendo a consultas de osteopatía, cada vez salgo encantada por el trabajo y el trato de la Dra. Irene, seguiré siendo su paciente

19 Julio de 2023 14:05

Quiero compartir mi experiencia con este centro.
Fui a una sesión de acupuntura el anterior jueves 18 de mayo, y la verdad es que no sé qué pasó.
Pero me quedo un dolor en el pecho y en el brazo derecho que apenas podía levantarlo.
Hoy día 29 de mayo aún me dura aunque menos mal que ha ido a menos.
Llame a la clínica y me dijeron que era normal, lo cual para nada veo que sea normal.
En fin no volveré más a esta clínica, no me parece correcto.

24 Abril de 2023 15:52

Han decidido devolvernos el dinero
Creo que falto comunicacion para que pudiera ser una visita de soluciones, ambas partes mejoraremos en el futuro pero que hayan dedicido buscar una solución es tambien algo de indicar
Muy decepcionada, la atención fue amable, pero fuimos al traumatologo de pago ya que mi. Padre tiene grandes dolores en la rodilla, teniamos el informe de resonancia, el doctor solo miro el. Papel, algunas preguntas, pero ni le. Miro la rodilla ni nada de nada, aconseja infiltracion algo que ya nos habian dicho y que pregunte previamente al pedir la cita, respuesta es que eso tendria que ser en otra cita. 90€ tirados completamente a la basura asi nos hemos sentido

10 Marzo de 2023 15:17

¡Gran clínica!
Amable, cita oportuna, multilingüe.
Llegué a la clínica con un dolor de cuello agudo y me citaron para la misma tarde con Irene, la osteópata de habla alemana.
Me trató muy bien y me recetó un relajante muscular. Nunca lo hubiera pensado dada la intensidad del dolor, pero a la mañana siguiente casi había desaparecido.

04 Marzo de 2023 22:01

Llegar y besar el Santo. En menis d lo esperado tapón fuera y a seguir. Buen trato y gente muy amable. Clínica recomendable.

20 Febrero de 2023 12:37

El trato del doctor Jerusalén mejor imposible. Fuimos para una segunda opinión y agradezco muchísimo la sinceridad y la atención que ha dado a mi marido y a mí. Ha tomado su tiempo, ha sido muy atento y muy amable.
Gracias Doctor Jerusalén y equipo.

15 Octubre de 2022 6:17

He quedado extremadamente anodadado con el trato recibido, lo mejor sin lugar a dudas. Muchas gracias.

13 Octubre de 2022 21:53

Después de pasar por diferentes otorrinos con pésimos resultados, por fin encontré en Medicality una profesional 10. Gracias a la doctora Kunze he podido volver a nadar

11 Septiembre de 2022 18:50

Suite à un lymphome de Hodgkin niveau 2, six mois de chimiothérapie il m'a été conseillé de faire des séances d'acuponcture. J'ai fais 5 séances d'acuponcture avec Yuan, personne douce réservée qui cible avec précision votre problème notamment sur les énergies. Autant vous dire qu'au départ j'étais un peu sceptique! Mes séances sont terminées et je peux vous assurer qu'aujourd'hui je me sens totalement différent, je n'ai plus cette fatigue journalière, mon humeur est devenue normale, le tonus est au rendez-vous, je suis ravi. Encore un grand merci Yuan, vous m'avez fait un grand bien.

26 Octubre de 2019 0:10

Muy bien situado y trato excelente. La Dra Yuang es buenísima, recomiendo mucho sus sesiones de acupuntura.

Jo Kuhnle
30 Agosto de 2019 22:45

After my initial visit on June 26th, I would have rated this facility 5 starts; the receptionist was reassuring me that all would go well despite my fear of going to the doctors, and the doctor was very kind and helpful - when I was paying.
I woke up the morning of the 26th with the inability to ear from my right ear. (since I have a fear of doctors I did want to make sure I had an experience physician which I knew there was at Medicality). As I said previously, my first experience was great with the ear doctor Dr. Kunze; she looked inside my ear, declared the problem was ear wax blockage and proceeded to remove what she found inside. Immediately after this I was so ecstatic with my service I was not upset about the cost. I proceeded to thank Dr. Kunze profusely and also the receptionist for the great service and left.
Following this, not more than two weeks later I start have reoccurring symptoms from before. I feel pain in my ear, my hearing in the right ear is not as strong anymore, and I am starting to feel pressure. Once I realize this morning that the pain is not stopping I take the liberty of writing the company once more, explaining my issues and asking if I can come in again to see if perhaps something got overlooked. I explain I do not have the money for another appointment yet I would like someone to look at me again because I don't believe that in the span of less than a month I should have the same problems. I suggest maybe my problem was written off too quickly, perhaps there was a deeper problem with my inner ear, ear drum, etc. The receptionist said she spoke with the doctor and she would see me again, if there was another issue "the doctor will decide if I [you] need to pay something".
Upon entering the facility I profusely apologized to the receptionist, that I understood I was asking a lot and I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to come back in. She gave an unconcerned smile and told me to be seated.
Once the doctor came out and saw me (it should be noted that the office was empty, I was the only person here to see the doctor) I proceeded to apologize to her. Saying that I understand she does not wish to see me again but that I am just worried there is a bigger issue, I use the exact sentence "I've come in here and it feels as if everyone hates me, you all look quite upset with me and I'm so sorry, I'm just worried", Dr. Kunze does not respond nor lift her eyes from the computer and give me any feeling of reassurance. She says nothing, then tells me to move to a chair in the room to take a look at my ears. She looks inside quickly in both ears, for a max.of 2 seconds, and tells me she sees no problem.
I move back to the chair across her desk and ask several questions: why do I have pain similar to the last time? I feel ear wax in my ear could you possibly try clearing it out and maybe that stops the pain? Why do I have pain if nothing is there? Dr. Kunze then said she saw nothing so she will not look again, exact words "I have two eyes capable of seeing, I do not see anything so I will not look again" and the response to my question on why I have pain was given with a shrug and "well I don't know" - a woman who has this as a profession should be able to give me more of an answer then "well I don't know". She was not giving much eye contact to me and gave the impression from her mannerisms that she wanted me out of the office. I then start tearing up and asked what I should do now. Dr. Kunze said she had no idea and that if I wanted I could take a hearing test, "but I will charge you for that". Soon after I left the office.
It was as if because I was not a paying again I didn't have the right to a good and thorough check up. Both the receptionist and Dr. Kunze were bold in their actions and words that I was an annoyance. I had never received such rude treatment, especially from a private facility that prides itself on having the best and thorough doctors and care. Even if I had money to visit again, I would not choose Medicality. I am in shock at their actions and the way I was treated.

21 Agosto de 2019 1:44

I'm lucky to have found this medical center. Everyone from the office manager to the doctors on staff are kind, professional, and accommodating. Their English is great, and I trust their professional opinions. Would recommend to friends in Valencia.

03 Junio de 2019 16:07

Although I like the facility and the health care providers, they do not offer all treatments under a private insurance. I have Cigna Global and couldn't get ivermectin, which is an oral pill for scabies. My provider had talked to them about how to get around the issue but they were incompetent (see reply below and response). Because of their incompetence, I had to go to a hospital and pay more for a treatment that wasn't life threatening and even they didn't know which pharmacy had this medication. (Learned that private insurance holders should only speak to their insurance agent to avoid miscommunication, lack in protocol, better problem solving etc. They had my problem fixed within 24 hours though it took 4 days going the traditional route of general physician, issuing a prescription, going to the pharmacy, etc. Just talk to your provider.) I hope this clinic makes a detailed report of which places in the city offers which prescriptions because it will be very important for the next person to know this information and know where to go. After speaking with my provider though, this clinic most likely will be dropped from their list. Such incompetence. The hospital was better but like I said before for CignaGlobal holders or any other private insurance holder: just talk to your agent, tell them the medication you need, and they will do their research to provide you with care. It shouldn't be that way especially if there is an emergency situation and you cannot talk (therefore healthcare providers in Valencia need better protocols so there isn't a lapse in care which can result in further complications) but since this city is changing and getting better we will have to put up with doing their work for them. No disrespect though, but yeah problem solving skills need to improve.
Reply: I have given you a WhatsApp message on who sells this medication after going through my insurance to find it.
I really shouldn't have gone through 3 or 4 hoops (please do not claim, you "can't". All you had to do was have it prescribed and use a comprehensive list of providers which as a clinic you should have had if such a problem exists). It's not my insurance's fault but I thank God that I have such insurance to get around such incompetence. Again, I like your clinic. I think it's a good place for international people to go however better problem solving is needed rather than, "oh it's this and we can't. " You are all doctors and the hippocratic oath is: Do no harm. Please know that Farmacia Boix most likely can provide such prescriptions that are 'illegal' or 'foreign'. I'm setting my review to 1 star due to the reply that was given. This clinic failed in care. Admit you failed in care and fix your failure. If this is how you deal with problems, then I suggest people use their insurance to go to a clinic that will do what they can to treat the patient they have. Very unfortunate as I believe in your company and like your business model.

02 Mayo de 2019 22:28

El trato es inmejorable. Ricardo te hace sentir como si estuvieras en tu casa. Acudí al centro para probar con la acupuntura y la dra Yuan me ha cambiado (literalmente) la vida. Recomiendo el centro al 100%

19 Diciembre de 2018 1:23

I came to medicality because I hoped to get an appointment with a doctor who speaks German or English. My doctor didn't speak English fluently but I could understand her. She was very nice and friendly and I felt comfortable. I recommend it! You can also easily get an appointment which is very helpful! So it's really good!

05 Diciembre de 2018 21:58

I got an appointment with a specialist very quickly and felt totally fine in the clinic. Thank you!

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