Codeworks, Barcelona

Direccion C/ d'Àvila, 27, Barcelona
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Categories Escuela
Clasificacion 5 36 opiniones
Empresas similares cercanas
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22 Julio de 2023 8:14

Estaba buscando un cambio de carrera cuando me encontré con Codeworks. Estuve investigando los bootcamps de desarrollo de software en Barcelona durante un tiempo, y ahora hay un montón, y entre otros, Codeworks se agregó a mi lista para explorar más. Afortunadamente para mí en ese momento, vivía con otros 3 desarrolladores con quienes discutí mis opciones en detalle.
Parecía que lo único que tenían los otros cursos sobre Codeworks era que eran más baratos. Codeworks tenía el plan de estudios más completo, lo que le permitía obtener una idea de los diferentes marcos y paradigmas de programación, por lo que puede tomar su propia decisión en términos de a dónde quiere que lo lleve su primer rol, mientras que otros cursos solo enseñan uno, por lo que Tendría que buscar trabajo usando esas tecnologías. El apoyo laboral de Codeworks también fue mucho más completo que el de otros bootcamps. Tengo un par de amigos que optaron por Le Wagon, y encontré trabajo en una empresa con la que realmente disfruto trabajar en mucho menos tiempo que ellos. Algunos incluso están considerando volver a sus carreras anteriores.

Una cosa sobre la que dudaba un poco antes de comprometerme era la forma en que se llevan a cabo las conferencias. Sobre el papel, parece un poco poco ortodoxo estudiar en el sitio, pero todas las conferencias son por Zoom. Afortunadamente, no dejé que eso me detuviera y rápidamente me di cuenta de que en realidad tiene mucho sentido, lo que le permite trabajar con más estudiantes y estar expuesto a diferentes formas de pensar y diferentes formas de ver la resolución de problemas. No fue perjudicial para mi educación en absoluto.
Finalmente, los proyectos en la mitad superior realmente le dan una (pequeña) muestra del alcance completo del desarrollo de una aplicación, incluida una buena experiencia de los problemas que probablemente encontrará en un entorno comercial.

El horario es bastante exigente, pero me sorprendió mucho lo rápido que me acostumbré.

En general, no podría recomendarlo lo suficiente. Si el costo es un problema potencial para usted, lo animo a que intente hacer que funcione.hay una razón por la que es más caro, y realmente obtienes lo que pagas con estos bootcamps, así que no escatimes en tu futuro. Además, ofrecen un montón de métodos de pago diferentes para acomodar a cada estudiante.

23 Junio de 2023 23:23

I was amazed with how much we were able to learn in such a short amount of time. The curriculum and schedule is intense and rigorous, but if you're willing to put in the work, it's definitely worth it. The teaching staff were all very knowledgeable as well and provided great insights into real-life software engineering.

22 Junio de 2023 15:33

¡Gran campus! ¡Gran plan de estudios! ¡Buena gente!
Muy recomendable para cualquiera que desee iniciarse en la codificación a un buen nivel o para alguien que busque mejorar sus habilidades.

08 Junio de 2023 15:31

Me sorprendió lo mucho que pudimos aprender en tan poco tiempo. El plan de estudios y el horario son intensos y rigurosos, pero si estás dispuesto a trabajar, definitivamente vale la pena. El personal docente también estaba muy bien informado y proporcionó excelentes conocimientos sobre la ingeniería de software de la vida real.

21 Abril de 2023 18:12

After graduating last year I can say Codeworks is the way to go. Specially if you're switching careers from inside the IT world. If you're not coming from IT it'll be a bit tougher, but still worth the ride. When you're switching careers, time matters a lot. Other less immersive bootcamps may be cheaper but at the end of the day your time is money, and being able to go through the course topics in depth and in such little ''real world time'' makes it for me. If you add the customized support you'll get from instructors and the personalized career support at the end. It's an easy choice.

23 Marzo de 2023 22:49

I joined Codeworks for the September cohort in Barcelona after wanting to take my skills to the next level. Codeworks was one the best experiences I've ever done. 12 hours a day for 6 days a week make it one of the most intense bootcamps I found, but it was all worth it as I was able to find a job within 2 months of finishing. After finishing the bootcamp there was plenty of support to find a job which was helpful for me. If you're looking for the best bootcamp in Europe, Codeworks is the place.

10 Marzo de 2023 1:26

What an an amazing experience! I thoroughly enjoyed studying there and found it to be an incredibly valuable investment in my career.

The program is super intense and requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but it's totally worth it. I was impressed by the quality of the curriculum and the expertise of the instructors. They were always available to help me whenever I needed it and pushed me to be the best I could be.

What I appreciated most about Codeworks was how well it prepared me for changing careers. I came into the program with little to no experience in programming, but by the end of it, I felt confident and ready to take on a new role as a developer.

Overall, I would highly recommend Codeworks to anyone looking to transition into a career in tech. The bootcamp was an excellent experience, and I'm so glad I made the decision to enroll.

21 Febrero de 2023 5:47

Me uní a Codeworks para la cohorte de septiembre en Barcelona después de querer llevar mis habilidades al siguiente nivel. Codeworks fue una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido. 12 horas al día durante 6 días a la semana lo convierten en uno de los bootcamps más intensos que encontré, pero valió la pena ya que pude encontrar un trabajo a los 2 meses de terminar. Después de terminar el bootcamp, recibí mucho apoyo para encontrar un trabajo que fuera útil para mí. Si estás buscando el mejor bootcamp de Europa, Codeworks es el lugar.

11 Febrero de 2023 5:18

¡Qué experiencia tan increíble! Disfruté mucho estudiar allí y descubrí que era una inversión increíblemente valiosa en mi carrera.

El programa es súper intenso y requiere mucho trabajo duro y dedicación, pero vale la pena. Me impresionó la calidad del plan de estudios y la experiencia de los instructores. Siempre estuvieron disponibles para ayudarme cuando lo necesitaba y me empujaron a ser lo mejor que podía ser.

Lo que más aprecié de Codeworks fue lo bien que me preparó para cambiar de carrera. Ingresé al programa con poca o ninguna experiencia en programación, pero al final me sentí confiado y listo para asumir un nuevo rol como desarrollador.

En general, recomendaría encarecidamente Codeworks a cualquiera que busque hacer la transición a una carrera en tecnología. El bootcamp fue una experiencia excelente y estoy muy contenta de haber tomado la decisión de inscribirme.

28 Enero de 2023 23:10

I recommend Codeworks to anyone who has a genuine interest in advancing their programming skills and has already spent time struggling with bugs.

24 Octubre de 2022 21:42

Codeworks is an intensive course that makes you a bridge to enter the working world. For those people who want to make a change in their life or continue to develop in the tech sector, this is their bootcamp.

20 Junio de 2022 18:46

When I came in, I could only solve basic problems in JavaScript. After 12 weeks I was able to build a whole web application myself and got a remote job in less than two months after getting graduated.

Amazing journey with amazing people taking good care of you. Great choice.

02 Marzo de 2022 4:15

I did the remote EST Software Engineering Immersive in April of 2021 and it was an incredible experience. I had very little development knowledge going into the program but found a job and started working as a full-stack software engineer in September of the same year. If you are looking for a path to start a new career in software development and are ready to commit then Codeworks will give you the skills to make it happen!

31 Enero de 2022 15:34

With it's full time hands-on approach Codeworks has been the best way to interact with top-level teachers and outstanding students from all over the world. Their approach to explaining code is quite pehnomenal: questions are encouraged daily, you are being constantly challenged just enough to explore the limits of your comfort zone. Even a remote experience during the Pandemic has proven to be worth my while, can't reccomend it enough!

29 Diciembre de 2021 10:37

Codeworks bootcamp is a great learning experience and one of the best I've ever had.

They didn't lie when they said it would be an intensive working experience, coding more than 10 hours a day, 6 days a week is a thing you will do. Although you will be doing this having a lot of fun bacuse of the well structured Curriculum and a very supportive staff and TAs.

You will be amazed by the progress you have made and the skills you have gained and most importantly, the skill of learning how to learn and keep developing on your own after the bootcamp.

I totally recommend it for the serious students who want to shift carrer to web development or enhance an already exists skills that willing to put the effort and the commitment needed to nail it

20 Agosto de 2021 0:59

You feel stuck in your current position or that your job is unrewarding. You always had an affinity to tech and want to make it onto the field but don't have the financial resources or time to go through a CS degree. Well, Codeworks might just be what you're looking for.

Now, don't get me wrong, Codeworks is no magic bullet. What they'll provide you, above all else, is a great environment filled with like-minded people who are committed to making the same change you are. That is the energy you will feed on and that will drive you to put in the work and the overtime, and do it happily. On top of that, you will have access to a well-structured curriculum focused on current market technologies and a team of very knowledgeable and helpful instructors and support staff whose goal is to help you succeed.

It is NOT and easy program, it's not meant to be. The first half will be spent giving you a bit of foundational CS knowledge, before moving on to backend and frontend technologies and databases. These will form the basis of your experience, always with a practical, hands-on coding perspective. The second half will be focused on building projects and putting those topics you've learned into action. Now, this second part is as much about coding as it is about cooperating with others in achieving a common goal. Building a strong product in a team means that everyone is doing their part and no one is getting left behind or overwhelmed, and communication and realistic goal-setting will be what gets you and the team over the finish line successfully.

When all is said and done, you'll find that in a relatively short time period you have a great basis for a software developer role, have products under your belt you can show off, and have learned how to approach tech problems in a methodical way. At that point, you'll be well on your way into making into the field and Codeworks will still be there to support you until you do (which might just be faster than you even expected!), and then after if you so desire.

12 Agosto de 2021 0:03

Best bootcamp in Europe! If you guys want to properly learn how to code and later land an incredible job, this is your place! Amazing instructors and great colleagues, you'll be challenged everyday, and learn amounts of material that you'd never think possible. 10/10

06 Agosto de 2021 18:01

Before I made my decision to apply for enrollment at Codeworks, I was a bit skeptical. My family was even more skeptical. But after I spoke with an old family friend who is the Vice President of the tech department at a very large corporation, he offered to review the course curriculum. After his review, he gave me his approval along with some caveats. And so my parents and I decided to go for it. I borrowed some money from a friend and my parents took some money out of their life savings to cover the tuition costs. Even though I had my doubts in the success rates at Codeworks, I knew that if I worked hard enough and I made it through this course, I would have a very good chance at landing an actual junior position as a software engineer. Their curriculum is solid and it gives you a great foundation to build on. After graduating from this course I applied for an internship at ironforge and I landed my first full-time position as a developer in just less than four weeks after the completion of the course. The course was not easy. There were moments where I felt like I was not cut out for this. But I didn’t give up and the instructors and tutors were always there to encourage and support you when your struggling. I learned so much in just a short amount of time and I’m very glad that I joined Codeworks. It was well worth the money and time. The instructors are very knowledgeable and they have a lot of hands on experience. If your wondering if Codeworks is the right choice for you, I would say that you have a lot of choices but if you really want to be ready to start your career after the course as a junior software engineer then you should go for it. If you have any questions you can find me on LinkedIn! And I’d be more than happy to share my experience!

04 Agosto de 2021 2:34

It's been a year since I graduated from Codeworks and in retrospect I can say that joining the bootcamp has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. As a former CS grad who had previously pursued a project management career, Codeworks provided me with the right roadmap, motivation and environment to update my skillset, learn an up-to-date tech stack, create a portfolio attractive to recruiters, and make the desired career switch a reality.

I was able to land my first dev job within 5 weeks from graduation, and now one year later I have landed a significantly better offer with one of the top companies on the BCN tech scene. I'd like to give big Kudos to Codeworks' career support consultant Marc, who was always on-hand to provide invaluable guidance during both of these hiring processes.

To sum up, I totally recommend Codeworks to anyone who's truly passionate about tech and willing to put in the hard work. The investment and effort has paid off n-fold to both myself and many of my fellow graduates.

01 Agosto de 2021 21:03

Great experience with amazing people and awesome support. I've managed to land a job within two months after finishing the course. The course is very intense. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get into the software development world. I'd do it again)

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