Codeworks, Barcelona

Direccion C/ d'Àvila, 27, Barcelona
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Categories Escuela
Clasificacion 5 36 opiniones
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Escuela Codeworks opiniones

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02 Julio de 2021 19:05

When I finally decided that I want to attend a bootcamp, I was researching reviews like you do right now. I could not believe that something that does have 5 starts reviews everywhere is not a scam. But I took “leap of faith” and decided to go with Codeworks.

Admission process already showed me why they have high success rate of graduates, it was a challenge but doable one.

After I passed admission process, it was time to start pre-course. Pre-course was no joke either. Again, it was a challenge but there are weekly support sessions to get you unstuck.

Course itself was exactly as described, intensive. They are serious when they say 12 hours a day but majority of us spent also Sundays reviewing and getting ready for weekly assessments. During Junior part you will focus more on learning new concepts and technologies. During Senior part you put it in to work by building projects.
Last week is focused on getting you ready for job-hunt.

Barcelona campus is beautiful, spacious and safe during times of pandemic.
Instructors, TA’s and admission team are friendly and dedicated to make you succeed.

About mine outcome: As my background is in nursing I was not sure if I would fit, manage or get hired. Codeworks gave me tools and support necessary to succeed and 5 weeks after graduation I was offered a position of Software engineer in company of my dreams.

22 Junio de 2021 16:44

I really enjoyed my time at Codeworks, it was one of the best and most intense experience of my life. If you are thinking about doing a coding bootcamp, I would definitely recommend checking out Codeworks. In my opinion, Codeworks gives you the means to reach your goals in 3 months + the precourse (about 1 month), this is achieved through 12 - 13 hours of coding a day including Saturdays, and 24/7 access to the campus, however the best part about Codeworks is the team of people responsible to guide you through this, they are awesome, professional, friendly and on top of their game, this goes to all the staff, in my opinion this is the true value Codeworks provides.
Having said all that a person coming to Codeworks needs to be ready to work, and put in the hours in order to achieve set goals, after all of that you will leave the course with amazing amount of knowledge gathered in such a short period of time, and most important of all you will attain a skill of learning how to learn new skills and technologies and the confidence to do so.

07 Junio de 2021 5:07

I write this review several months after finishing Codeworks. I attended 12-week software engineering course.

I’ll start from the end: I got a job offer around 1,5 months from graduation (during 3rd wave of pandemics in the country I reside!). In other words, I got what I came for - job as a developer! In addition, I had amazing experience and created great relationships with people there, some I believe for life.

The course itself for me, was as intense as it is advertised.
If you want to get great results I believe that it requires your full commitment. It took me several months on mixing full-time job with getting through first admission phase (there are two if you start from zero JS knowledge!), then another month through the official pre-course (I came from sales and communication field, so it was a mindblower - I know that some did it faster tough). Everyone in my group struggled at various points, however we were all extremely motivated and it created great atmosphere of team working towards the same goal. Instructors can also be very stimulating and knowledgable.

In additional to theoretical and practical software engineering input you can work on some transferable skills like problem solving, reading the documentation (that definitely during pre-course), working with tools used in the industry (not only by devs) and boost on a various of soft skills.

12 Mayo de 2021 4:35

I decided to attend Codeworks because I was looking for something challenging, something that could take me from 20 to 100.
At Codeworks I found it.

In this bootcamp you'll find only talented and motivated people: in fact the admission process is really strict, and the pre course assures that all the students start with a strong knowledge base.

The TAs are very prepared and always open to help when someone is stuck on annoying bugs that, without their help, could waste several hours of time googling for a solution.

Overall a great experience.

08 Mayo de 2021 17:51

Codeworks is the best code academy in Barcelona. Their Software Engineering Immersive Bootcamp follows an intense 9-9-6 schedule (9am-9pm, 6 days a week!) in an environment where you will not only become a solid programmer, but you’ll also meet an incredibly professional and friendly staff that will guide you and be there for you every step of the way throughout your journey. And most importantly, the majority of the alumni finds a programming job within a couple of months after graduation.

I recommend enrolling to this academy to anyone that is ready to switch careers and become a software developer.

02 Abril de 2021 12:45

Codeworks was amazing. The team was really invested in my outcome and the curriculum was in depth and up to date. I was really glad I made the choice to attend Codeworks. Would recommend.

07 Noviembre de 2020 18:06

Codeworks has delivered perfectly on its promises. It's a wonderful experience that has taught me in just a few months the knowledge, tools and experiences necessary to acquire a job even in a working environment post-Covid.

From the beginning, I knew Codeworks was serious with its relatively stringent application process - it was the most rigourous out of all the bootcamps that I had applied to. The curriculum is thorough and they make sure to teach relevant technologies and languages to software jobs that are currently hiring.

With only my Math background, it would have been difficult, if not almost impossible to get a job on my own in the industry. However, after one short month having finished the course, I managed to land a job at a start up where I feel valued for my skills.

Codeworks was definitely an experience that I would recommend to anyone who wants to learn coding from the beginning, or needs a refresher.

02 Noviembre de 2020 8:06

I attended Codeworks Bootcamp in Barcelona from November 2019 to February 2020. I couldn't be happier. Nice students, nice teachers, a lot of intensity and hard work, all worth it! 3 epic months that led me to get my first developer job very quickly (despite Covid!), grateful also for the support they gave me after I graduated.
I learn everything I needed to know to get a nice developer job in only three months. Amazing!

09 Octubre de 2020 22:23

The bootcamp is as intense as it sounds, however this definitely helps you switch career in only 3 months.

I am really happy with my investment and the support from Codeworks staff from the beginning to the end. During hiring week at Codeworks, I was able to find a frontend developers job.

Would recommend it to everybody who wants to step in into developers world.

19 Enero de 2020 17:31

Having a Corporate Training in Codeworks has been a very useful experience. Our class was a small group and all of us have learned Javascript muddling through with online courses like many in people these days. In five 8-hour sessions we could set a rock solid base on the actual functioning of the language and good programming practices in general. This makes further learning significantly easier, which is key in this fast-paced industry.

The sessions combined in a dynamic way code-alongs, pair programming, solo practice and small chunks of theory. Although it was quite challenging at times, the classes were adapted to our rhythm so we have not been overwhelmed. With the excuse of the time scarcity, many courses throw at you a lot of content in a way that simply does not stick into your mind. Few weeks after the course I can say my way of coding has definitely improved. We even had some time to solve doubts related to our product.

I would recommend this kind of program to any company as a quick way to develop the skills of the team. Being a few days in Codeworks away from our daily duties has been worth hundreds of hours of online code alongs and documentation reading.

20 Diciembre de 2019 22:01

An excellent choice!

My expectations were high - and I was positively surprised! From day one Codeworks sticks to the promise of delivering top quality learning experience. The program is demanding, so exactly what you need if you treat your objectives seriously. It gives you an excellent background and you leave the course well prepared for the first coding job. The student selection process ensures you are surrounded by awesome teammates to make new friends you can rely on in your professional life after the graduation.

02 Diciembre de 2019 9:57

I attended this course on 2017. I wanted to switch career as I studied Finance. It was an excellent investment because at Codeworks I found great teachers and amazing classmates. Thanks to them I learnt things that would require probably years of hard work. Codeworks gives you the right tools in order to learn fast and in the most efficient way. I totally recommend it because after the course I was ready to work in a company with a competitive salary.

28 Noviembre de 2019 3:50

This institute rocks! They teach you coding and give you the foundational skills to start learning software development. Great programs and tutors!
The door bell might be out of service from time to time (its running on node.js).

09 Octubre de 2019 6:46

I graduated Codworks 1 year ago and I can tell you that my life changed completely from that moment on.

This bootcamp is not only an amazing experience, but of an excellent level:

- The course curriculum is everything you're going to need to succeed in a full stack position.

- The teachers are more than qualified and really great people.

- The course teaches you how to code, but moreover, it teaches you how to learn, so you'll be working with a lot of different technologies and languages but you won't be afraid to approach them.

- You'll be spending 3 months developing code, but also developing a bond with a lot of different people (and some ping pong mad skills).

For me it took 2 months to find a job. Why so long? I had a lot of offers, but I wanted to find a company with a product I could see myself using and having fun developing. I can tell you that you'll find a job, but if you're patient enough, thanks to Codeworks, you'll find your deam job.

04 Junio de 2019 17:30

I'm a graphic designer who decided graphic design wasn't enough and decided to learn something new. I started learning how to code by myself and, after a while, decided to join a bootcamp. Codeworks was the best decision I could have made. It is a hard bootcamp, I'm not gonna lie, but my effort was worth it. I couldn't imagine it was possible to learn so much in so little time. I graduated Codeworks less than a month ago and already have a job.

05 Abril de 2018 8:14

I found out about Codeworks via the relations with my University. Coming here was the best thing I could ever do. I completed my knowledge about coding and now, just after 3 months, I'm able to create Wonderfull projects (some are deployed already!), and I feel ready to hit the job's world. The environment here is amazing, everybody is so motivated that push you so hard. I suggest Codeworks to everybody that really wants to start coding and have a career in this field.

P. S. Barcelona is the right place where to do this.

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