Global Exchange, Barcelona

Direccion Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat, El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona
Telefono +34 900 855 550
Horas 00:00-24:00
Sitio web
Categories Oficina de cambio de divisas
Clasificacion 1.1 36 opiniones
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Global Exchange — C-32B, El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona
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Global Exchange opiniones

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17 Marzo de 2020 7:17

5 persones i ningú t'atén i quan t'atenen es per robar-te a ma armada. Si os trobeu amb la necessitat d'anar-hi més val que os prepareu un bon pot de vaselina.

15 Marzo de 2020 23:47

The longest tax free in my life. First hour while I was waiting only one person worked. Another person was accounting cash so sloooow. I really wondered how this person can work here. Maybe she didn’t finish school. I don’t know. Really, now I am still staying in line. 2 hours in line. One person per 15 mins. Crazy. Who manage this office should be immediately fired.

M Granda
15 Marzo de 2020 5:25

Estafadores. Fuimos por una devolución de tax free y nos pagaron en nuestra moneda en lugar de en euros y a un cambio bajísimo e irreal y nos hicieron darles en vuelto en euros porque no tenían billetes chicos. Primera y última vez.

07 Marzo de 2020 4:19

I am a customer who is currently sitting at the barcelona airport wondering why your company makes it so hard for people to get a tax refund.

When i returned my tax form all stamped and signed, i was told that the 3$ or a 2$ amount is too low for ‘planet’ to refund. When i asked how i would get my money back. They quoted that i need to go back to my home country- Australia, add a postage stamp on the planet envelope (which would cost me 15$) and then email the envelope back. The refund amount was 3$ on one receipt and 2$ on another.

Just a few minutes before i went to another global exchange place at the airport and they were more that happy to provide me a 2$ refund.

While 2$ might not be a huge amount to ‘planet’. I had a few receipts that added upto a 50$ value. That money does mean a lot to people in Australia who’s homes have been hit by bushfires or people who are paying mortgages. Im attaching a photo of the ‘planet’ global exchange counter in barcelona airport. NEVER Expect taxes back from here. Its a SCAM. They must make thousands of dollars on tourist tax money.

There were a dozen people who were annoyed at this and obviously nobody will do anything about it as nobody will care about receiving a few dollars of cash back if they have to spend time and an extra 15$ to get it back.

I emailed them and the email on the website was incorrect - meaning its fake! As i received a mailer deamon a few second after sending it.

‘Planet’ is a scam! Please stay away.

04 Marzo de 2020 8:38

Cobran el cambio que les da la gana. En mi caso fue de 50E por cambiar 150E a liras, son unos auténticos aprovechados.

07 Febrero de 2020 11:17

Sobretot, no canvieu moneda en aquest lloc. Passeu ben lluny del seu taulell, i si hi passru a prop, que sigui per rebentar-ho. Estafa!

31 Enero de 2020 0:37

Thieves and scammers in the airport!

Be careful, and avoid using their tax free service at the exchange booth if possible.
The worst exchange rate that I’ve ever seen, and the staff is making a scam of rounding to top up your refund without any explanation which makes thing worse.

They shouldn’t receive any stars for their service.

A. N.
27 Enero de 2020 5:44

Son unos auténticos estafadores. Te cobran mas de un 20% de comision. No lo utiliceis nunca. A mi me pillaron por no fijarme bien en un viaje que me salió de imprevisto. NUNCA MAS. Y todavia te lo venden como que no tienen comisiones.

22 Enero de 2020 7:23

DO NOT USE THIER SERVICE! THIEVES! Wish i looked at all reviews before coming to their booth at the airport. Of course i was in hurry for my flight and didn’t have time to recalculate the commission and the exchange rate. The lady named Alexandra Oana Toma at the window was very rude with me, i asked to return my money to the card, and she refused, i asked to receive the tax return in euros and she pushed back saying that they are only working with exchange currency and had to issue return in my home country currency (rubles). The rate was horrible, it was even lower than dollar to rubles. Ok, i got this, they need to make money out of their “wonderful” business somehow. But hear this, beside rip off on the currency rate, this lady tricked me. She asked if i can give her 10 euros, so she can round the amount to 5000 rubles and give me one bill. I didnt see the details of calculation so i gave it to her. When i saw the receipt later, 10 euros were not even counted there. My total return was supposed to be 91.22euros and it was converted to 5000 rubles (With lowest possible rate 54.81 rub/eur) stating that there is 0 commision. There was no need to add 10euros!
SERIOUSLY? ! I understand you want to charge higher fees and make more money out of tourists tax refunds, but please just make it official! Don’t trick people like that! We call it THIEVES in the modern world!

10 Enero de 2020 13:56

Would give 0 rating if I can. Rip off exchange rates and I can only take back other currency other than Euro for my tax refund.

03 Enero de 2020 18:53

El servicio del lugar deja mucho que desear. Yo acordé un cambio por telefono y al llegar a la T1 para efectuarlo me han dicho que tenía que pagar un poco más por algo que no me han sabido ni explicar. Equivocaciones repetidas y muy muy lentos. No repetiré.

28 Diciembre de 2019 1:41

Indeed, all the reviews here are factual about this conman company. I almost got ripped off myself by a pretty face Filipino staff by claiming that VAT can only be refunded in currency based on your passport. Luckily insisted and got my Euros cash refund instead. Buyers beware.

10 Noviembre de 2019 14:57

Dishonest, cunning service. Please avoid using their service.
Those counter staff are lying for ripping extra from tourists

25 Octubre de 2019 1:06

Global Exchange force you with aggressive manners to take any currency other than EUR so they can rip you off.
Push back and request EUR and a complain form!

31 Mayo de 2019 21:23

You really have to watch out from these guys.never exchange money nor get your tax refund there. Get a refund on your credit card.
They put you at rest by telling you they take 10 Euros commission only. No big deal. Then they manipulate you and invent stories that they can not pay you in Euros (because of your nationality or the country where you will be traveling to). So they offer USD or GBP. That';s where they nail you with a crazy exchange rate. In my case 0.913 USD for 1 Euro while the market is 1.12. Anyways bunch of thieves and scammers. Don't go close to them. Cherry on the cake, I didn't count the cash because I showed I was really in a hurry, so the cash was short by 100 USD bill.
I dont know where to raise an official complain.

03 Marzo de 2019 10:09

Els comentaris anteriors no són per menys, una estafa en tota regla! És molt important mirar el canvi oficial abans de canviar em aquesta oficina. Per 479€ ens van donar 259 dinars jordans, feien el canvi d'1€ a 0'54JD Un cop a Jordània el canvi pagant amb targeta de crèdit es feia a 0'77JD. O sigui que podriem haver tingut 109JD (equivalent a 84€) més. La quantitat no és poca! Una barbaritat! Vas allà amb tota la confiança i et roben sense cap vergonya!
Jo tampoc entenc com deixen treballar a una empresa d'aquestes característiques aun aeroport internacional.
I encara a la propaganda et diuen que són els més barats.

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