Le Wagon Barcelona Coding Bootcamp

Direccion C/ del Bruc, 149, Barcelona
Telefono +34 911 23 35 84
Sitio web
Categories Academia de informática, Escuela de educación para adultos, Institución educativa, Software training institute, Escuela técnica
Clasificacion 4.5 25 opiniones
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Le Wagon Barcelona Coding Bootcamp opiniones

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11 Mayo de 2022 20:31

Le wagon bootcamp was a very exciting challenging experience for me. Beyond the coding itself, I have gained an understanding of full stack web development concepts from product design to MVP, and the skills to collaborate on projects on GitHub with the other developers. The learning environment is fast-paced, exciting and fun. Le wagon staff are incredibly friendly and helpful. I was very impressed by the teachers; they are always patient, accessible and were able to put themselves in the students’ shoes to explain difficult concepts in a clear manner. They have a real passion for sharing their experience and expertise. Moreover, having access to the “Le Wagon global community” beyond the bootcamp is a fantastic resource for networking and meeting interesting new people that entered the tech world coming from untraditional backgrounds across cities. One of the highlights for me was demo day, where we got to present our final team project, put together in less than 2 weeks.

23 Abril de 2022 19:42

Beyond Amazing Experience! Teachers and staff are wonderful people. They go above and beyond to help you learn code and jumpstart your new career in tech. One of the best decisions of my life.

12 Febrero de 2022 22:20

Such a great learning experience, the methodology used for learning coding is world-class! From knowing almost nothing about the subject to being able to build complex web-applications in a matter of 10 weeks. The school teaches Ruby on Rails which is a really intuitive language to learn, and gives you all the tools to become a professional developer.

10 Septiembre de 2021 12:02

Apart from being a professional and adequate working space, le wagon is an amazing school for people from all over the world, from different paths of live that teaches them the basics of Web Development or Data Science. I attended the Web Development course in Barcelona and have learnt a lot and met incredible people with distinct personalities that have moved and taught me many different and important things, not only about code. To anyone who’s thinking of attending le wagon, just do it! Every single penny is worth the experience and all the hard work and sometimes hopeless nights sitting in front of a code you don’t understand immediately, will pay off!

07 Septiembre de 2021 7:54

At the end of my hotel school, I had to do an internship in a hotel. But because of the covid, it was not possible anymore. Therefore, I joined the French start-up Amenitiz, which old Le wagon students founded. It offers an all-in-one solution for hotels with a website, a reservation system, and a payment system.
I had the position of customer care specialist, and I was in charge of exchanging with the customers to explain the product to them. But also to link with the technical service in case of a bug.
I became very interested in the coding world I did know about before. The logical thinking and the creativity necessary to do this job fascinated me directly.
As a result, I decided to join the Le Wagon to redirect my career as soon as possible.
Le Wagon is the best place to learn because we learn by doing. We have many TAs who are always there to help us, but they constantly push us to think for ourselves—allowing me to understand all the subjects deeply.

10 Agosto de 2021 11:42

Amazing service, I couldn't start the bootcamp with them in the end but Irina is very attentive and I can tell the service was really good from beginning to end and that they really care about the students and do whatever is in their hands to let them succeed. Based on my initial experience, I would certainly recommend anyone to give it a shot.

08 Agosto de 2021 21:47

I am an anthropologist from Argentina but since I moved to Barcelona three years ago, I started working in customer service and technical support roles.
I wanted to change towards roles that present more complex tasks and that demand a greater intellectual challenge. I was curious about the areas of Digital Marketing, UX and UD but finally, I decided on web programming because I was interested in having the creative possibility of building web apps from scratch.
Doing the Bootcamp at Le Wagon was an unforgettable experience. It was a very intensive program that in a very short time transformed and trained me to have a mentality closer to logical thinking. The program is fundamentally oriented to learn backend with Ruby on Rails, the teachers were very close and helped us a lot throughout the journey. The energy that was generated in the group was very positive and stimulating! Totally recommended!

29 Julio de 2021 17:30

Before the bootcamp I was wandering aimlessly with no clear direction, that is until my brother came to my with a recommendation on how to fix my current situation.
My experiences after joining it are all overwhelmingly positive. Even if it was daunting at the beginning my, TAs and fellow students made sure to never make me feel discouraged, always offering a helping hand whenever needed. Through cooperation and hard work we ended up creating an app we're truly proud of, (Nomacafe) and have now confidently entered the programming world.

Ji Uk Kim
19 Marzo de 2020 8:14

Went from being a Duckling to a Full-stack Developer

My name is Isac Giuk Kim and I am from Ecuador. My major in university was marketing; however, I decided to teach English in China. After two years in China, I decided to hop onto a different career path, a web-developer. I have always been interested in learning coding for many reasons. First, by learning how to code I would have more of a hands-on approach when marketing products or services if I decided to work in marketing. Second, coding would allow me to transform my ideas and others into reality. Third, as a web-developer, you can work remotely, which is perfect for me because I love to travel and experience different cultures. Last, there are many job opportunities for web-developers. For these reasons I started taking coding online courses, but it was not easy for me to do them so I started my search for coding boot camps and found Le Wagon.

My time in Le Wagon was just incredible. I thought it was a very well structured program. We would learn to code everything from scratch and then used tools to shorten our code. This approach of teaching allowed me to have a better understanding of how the code worked. With the buddy system and daily challenges, it helped me comprehend the code better because we would explain to other classmates the process of the code of the day. All the teachers and teacher assistants were very knowledgeable and helped us to not only complete the challenges but to understand it and comprehend it. I have emphasized the understanding of the process of coding because without understanding there is no comprehension and without it, we cannot grow as web-developers.

I finished Le Wagon in December 2019. At the moment, my group and I are still working to improve our previous projects from our time in Le Wagon, while looking for jobs using the tools provided by Le Wagon. One of our projects is Airpet, an application that allows you to rent a pet from a shelter to support the shelter and allow the animals to become more social. Our second project is Uproot, an application that will match you with a city that will satisfy all your needs. There will be more projects to come.

23 Febrero de 2020 12:42

I had an amazing experience at Le Wagon Barcelona. I learned how to build an app from start to finish in a collaborative and supportive environment, and made a lot of new friends along the way.

18 Febrero de 2020 11:00

Before attending Le Wagon Barcelona, I was working in the IT department for an accountancy firm. I’d wanted to transition into a career in web development for a while, and thought working in an IT department would get me closer to that. I found Le Wagon soon after starting full-time work, and set my sights on it immediately. What appealed to me was being able to learn transferable skills and industry-standard languages/frameworks, allowing me to work for either myself or within a company, and Le Wagon offered that.

Le Wagon provided me with the tools needed for me to build a career in a field I am excited about. I feel comfortable in everything I was taught at the bootcamp, and feel as though I have a great platform to expand my knowledge going forward. A world of job opportunities has opened up for me, and I have even had companies come to me, instead of me to them. I couldn’t recommend Le Wagon enough!

14 Febrero de 2020 18:04

My name is Mireia. Originally from Spain, I was part of Batch 341 of Le Wagon in Barcelona.
First of all, I have to say that I was a little worried because I didn’t have any background in tech. I studied business management. And before the bootcamp I was working at a coworking space in Barcelona as a Community Manager. So my knowledge about the tech world was more related to business and not in a technical way.
My first contact with programming was because of my brother. He was learning computer science and one day while he was coding a videogame I asked him how he did it. Once he started explaining it to me was just amazed! I thought that it was incredible all the things you were able to do with something called “methods” and with a couple of parenthesis.
Then I decided to start digging into programming to know at last the basics and my curiosity grew to a point where I started talking to everyone about it. A friend of mine told me that if I was really interested in it the best way to get started would be a coding bootcamp. He recommended to me the one at Le Wagon. His girlfriend did it one year ago and she was very happy after doing it. And now she was currently working in a company as a backend developer.
I looked it up and had great reviews. The program was very complete and they seemed to have a nice community of people so I decided to join it.
When I show it to one of my friends who is a software developer he couldn’t believe that they would be able to teach so much in just 9 weeks.
Since the very first moment Le Wagon felt like the perfect place to me. It didn’t feel like a regular school at all. It was an open space full of awesome and smart people from all over the world ready to do their best and learn as much as possible. I felt like I was back at the coworking space.
Because I am someone who believes that the only way to learn is by doing, I really enjoyed the format of the bootcamp. We had one and a half hours of lecture in the morning and we were solving different challenges in pairs for the rest of the day for the first 7 weeks.
In the last two weeks we had a big project to build our own web application from scratch. When that started was the moment when I realised: “Wow! I actually know how to do this! ” I couldn’t believe it. After just 7 weeks we developed an awesome product called BoostIt, which I am really proud of and is now part of my portfolio.
I cannot be anything but grateful to Le Wagon’s team. They were very helpful, inspirational and they never said no. It didn’t matter how challenging anything we wanted to build was. They helped me to realize that it doesn’t matter the background or experience that you have, if you really want, you can learn how to code.
So now, do you want to know what’s the best part of the bootcamp?
The fact that the end is the starting point for your new life! You don’t say goodbye on your last day. You say “see you soon, friends! ” Once you finish you are part of this big community they have and you are still in touch with all the TAs, your colleagues and other people that did the bootcamp.
Now I cannot wait to keep learning and growing as a full stack developer. The tech world is what I like and I am looking forward to see how far the projects I am currently working on go.
Thank you Le Wagon Barcelona #341!

13 Febrero de 2020 0:46

Before joining Le Wagon, I worked in the music industry as an audio engineer in Los Angeles. I spent most of my time in a recording studio, working with different types of artists. Though I had fulfilled a goal that I was working towards for many years, it was apparent that I was ready to apply my creativity in a different way. On my search for my next calling, I came upon coding. Just by making a simple HTML page with a bit of CSS, I knew how much power lie within coding. I knew it was something I had to take seriously.

I began looking into coding bootcamps. Being from the states, the coding bootcamp market was quite saturated and dense. It’s tuition price tag was no joke. I began looking abroad and Le Wagon came up as the top school. They had a location in my favorite city, Barcelona. It was also half the cost of the top bootcamps in the states. I decided it was a good chance to gain a skill in a beautiful city. Now, 9 intensive weeks, two finished and shipped products later, I can confirm that it is a truly life changing experience. Joining Le Wagon is like being welcomed into a family. It is established on day one that once you’re in, it is the culture to achieve together. It made being in a foreign city, where I don’t speak the language, feel more like home.

The most valuable thing I gained from going through Le Wagon is being able to work alongside a team. Completing a project from nothing to a shipped product in two weeks with just 4 team member is intense. It almost seemed impossible. But at some point, I just learned to trust my team members and the process of the bootcamp. That experience of compromise and negotiation when working with people from all different backgrounds is what gave me confidence when applying for jobs.

10 Febrero de 2020 5:25

I joined Le Wagon Barcelona right after graduating from a three years’ bachelor in Business.
I decided to learn to code as it is a very valuable skill to have in the business field. I was also attracted by the creative aspect and all the challenges that come with it.

At first I was not sure how much I would like coding and if I would want to fully pursue it but I knew that either way I would use it to my advantage no matter the path I would choose to follow after finishing the bootcamp.
Le Wagon was really an eye opener. I enjoyed every day of the bootcamp and Le Wagon Barcelona’s team made it very special as they were all very kind, patient and open minded. I also had a great time getting to know my teammates and working with them. Meeting people of such diversity was very enriching.

After finishing Le Wagon I can finally say that I have enjoyed coding so much that I will be looking for a job as a web developer. Le Wagon has helped me to know what I want to do with my life, I could not be more thankful to have been part of this adventure.

22 Enero de 2020 17:02

Have you ever been in front of a tech product and had the feeling that you did not understand at all how it had been built? That was exactly how I felt before doing Le Wagon.

I was in my last year of a degree in International Business Economics when I realized I wanted to do something more. I started asking myself: “What do I want to do next? “, and so I started thinking about what I had enjoyed the most during the university, what were my interests, etc. And when doing that reflection, I realized that my favorites classes were always those in which we talked about tech products and entrepreneurship.

“But I don’t know much about technology…“, was my next concern. I was open to keeping learning new skills, so I started looking for boot camps and then I found Le Wagon, which offered exactly what I was looking for.
And now, as a recent graduate of Le Wagon, I can say that the program fully met my expectations. The days at Le Wagon were very practical, which helped me a lot to consolidate the concepts and learn their day to day use. Moreover, every day we were assigned a buddy with which we had to do some exercises, which was a really good opportunity to learn from our colleges. But most importantly, I would like to say that the Bootcamp was not only a big chance to learn technical skills, but also to meet really interesting people from all around the globe. The vibes during the 9 weeks were just amazing! Energy, motivation, and eagerness to learn were the air I breathed every day.

Thanks to Le Wagon, now I feel ready to start a career in Product Management.

22 Marzo de 2019 1:26

After going abroad and finishing High School in Canada, I wasn’t satisfied with my life on my home country, I wanted to do more and learn more and get to know new cultures, and I didn’t want to go college/university right away after High School. I really enjoyed computers and technology, so I started looking for online coding courses, but after a while I realized that it was better to learn to code in a different environment, and then I started looking for Coding Bootcamps in Europe, because I have few friends there and it would an awesome opportunity to visit then, as a bonus I would still learn how to code, so I read some reviews about Le Wagon and I was so surprised, because all of them were super positive. After talking to my parents about the idea of going abroad again and study coding I decided to apply to the Le Wagon in Barcelona, I have a lot of friends from Spain, and I thought it would be amazing to live in a city like Barcelona, after applying and scheduling a video call where I got know Gus the Driver from Le Wagon Barcelona, we talked about my goals to the future and what I expected about the bootcamp, and Gus is such a nice guy, since the beginning until the end of the course he is always there supporting the students. After the video call he sent me a small Ruby test, that I had to finish on the next few days, and then I got accepted.

One special thing about Le Wagon is their community, the teachers and TAs are amazing, they are always helping you, no matter what. The course itself is very well structured, everything you learn since the beginning is important on the following weeks, don’t get me wrong, you have to be very focused and committed to code for the whole day, but trust me at Le Wagon time flies, it’s not boring, it’s fun and rewarding, every day you get to work with a different classmate, and this way you are always making some type of networking, and by the end of the bootcamp I’m sure your classmates will be like a family to you, it happened to me. And on the last two weeks where we were able to build our own apps from the scratch and present it to the public at the demo day and seeing what we were capable of was amazing, the best part of the bootcamp, indeed.

After the bootcamp I can surely say that Le Wagon really changed my life, Le Wagon gave me purpose and it opened opportunities for me in the future, with coding you are always learning and that’s the cool thing about coding it never stops evolving. The next step for me is going to College and learn even more about Web Development and new technologies, and of course, explore the world while coding. Thanks for changing my life Le Wagon Barcelona.

18 Marzo de 2019 7:20

In 2016, I voluntarily joined a 2-hour coding workshop by Le Wagon at the University of Mannheim in Germany. It was an optional workshop which was offered as part of a congress I participated in. This was the first time, I actually noticed how much I enjoyed coding. One year later, I joined a young e-commerce business where I was exposed to SQL and again I figured, that I really enjoyed it. After finishing my bachelor’s degree, I did not feel like moving on the way I did for my future job. So I remembered the coding workshop I did in 2016 and started researching about coding schools all around the world. In the end, Le Wagon convinced me the most, as I had some minor experiences with their teachers during my workshop in university and at the same time it was the shortest and least expensive coding bootcamp I could find on the Net.

My experience at Le Wagon Barcelona came in with so many highlights. Not only did I enjoy learning a new professional skill, but I met loads of amazing people who inspired me every day. I loved going to class and buddying with a new partner daily to solve our coding challenges. Learning to code was fun and challenging at the same time. Looking back, I can say, that this coding bootcamp has changed my life for the good and that I have made friends for life.

I loved living in Barcelona because it is a lively city, but still relaxed at the same time. It seems hard to get tired of all the things Barcelona has to offer – be it pubs, clubs, sporting activities, hikes etc. I myself love to do sports and to be in nature. Living in Gracía, the Tibidabo mountain was not far and it always allowed me to enjoy beautiful sunrises with a view on Barcelona in the mornings before class. I was also able to join some cool boxing classes, bootcamps in the park, yoga sessions on rooftops and so on for almost no money, as the first class was always free while the choice of different sport studios was huge!

For future students, I would advise to live in the area of Gracía as you will mainly be busy with class during the week and it seems painful to have to take the metro every single day to get to class. Moreover, you will notice that most of the times, you will hang out around Gracía for drinks in the evening as this is the area where students and teachers will know where to go because you always pass some cool places on the way from or to class.

In terms of preparation for class, I can only advise future students to actually watch the lecture each night before class, so you will be able to quickly grabs the logic of coding. I also found that every time I watched the video the night before class, I was able to understand things, which I had not noticed by only watching the video or solely visiting the lecture. Hearing things twice really helps to get a deeper understanding of things!

Learning to code at Le Wagon is a life-changing experience!

24 Febrero de 2019 13:41

I wholeheartedly recommend the Le Wagon Full-Stack Bootcamp in Barcelona.

After 4 years working as a lawyer for a Magic Circle firm in London, I realised that what I love most is to build things – and that was something that life as a corporate lawyer could not offer me. Having secured a Product Manager Role at a Legal Tech start-up, I decided to attend a coding course to help inform my work. That’s when I came across Le Wagon.

I originally decided to join Le Wagon Barcelona having been convinced by their consistently good reviews online. I had high expectations, but Le Wagon consistently surpassed them all. I have inherited a passion for code, and just 3 days into my new job I am already reaping the benefits of everything that I learned.

The three main things that really stood out for me during my time at Le Wagon were:

1. Consistently excellent standard of teaching and instruction: without exception all of our teachers really knew their stuff and pushed me every day to become a better coder.
2. Fantastic and international people: I have never worked with such a diverse group of talented people. Out of the 20 students on my course, there were people of all ages and from literally all corners of the globe. It was really inspiring to work with so many great people from all over the world.
3. Well-structured and paced course materials: I thought that the Le Wagon materials were very impressively structured to ensure that individuals of all abilities are stretched and challenged.

The whole Le Wagon team in Barcelona is really friendly and did everything to make us feel at home. The city itself is also a great place to live.

Advice to future students: people will tell you that the course is intense, and you probably won’t believe them… But trust me – this is a full-on experience, and it definitely isn’t a holiday! It is an absolutely amazing 9 weeks, but make sure that you go on CodeAcademy and try the Ruby course out a bit before applying to check that you actually like coding!

Le Wagon Barcelona has changed the way I work and the way I think – I could not recommend it more highly.

20 Febrero de 2019 0:31

I always had, somewhere in my mind, the idea to, one day, create my startup, run my own company.
So I decided to start my journey with an International Business School (That’s what most people do). At the end of the Business School, I had to fulfil a 6 months internship, where I met recently graduated people from Le Wagon. They showed me what is coding and told me about Le Wagon and how amazing it is during and after the 3 months courses.

After this, I wanted to learn to code, this would be the next step for me to build my future. After the bootcamp, I would be able to understand and read code, and get ready to start new experiences as a developer.

Coding was fun, really fun, it’s such an amazing experience, whatever your background is!
I’m using computer everyday of my life, and for anything, and at the beginning, I thought coding would be super easy.
To be honest, it wasn’t hard, it was enjoyable every single day, every single minute, but it was far from what I was expecting. And the reality is that, even with almost 0 computer knowledge, who ever you are and wherever you are from, you can do it and change your life.
Also, we had such an amazing batch, people were so nice, teachers and teachers assistants were awesome! Without forgetting our lovely and amazing community manager Avalon!

Having a coding buddy everyday is the best thing to learn coding. If you’re stuck, your buddy will help you, or you can help him. Both of you united, you can face any challenge (almost, any challenges, some are pretty hard ahah).

Learning to code was also a really great experience because, you know, Barcelona. We had exceptionally sunny October, November and December, weather was pretty beautiful and people in Barcelona are really nice. There are so many activities to do apart from coding, during your free time, there is no time to bother!

The advice I would give, and the one that was given to me the very first day when I asked for one: “Do you flashcards! ” - If you don’t know what it is, you will know it soon enough!
Also, don’t try too hard. If you’re stuck on an exercise, it’s a normal thing, you’re here to learn, and you will, in the end, know how to do it. So if you’re stuck more than 45min/1hour, ask your buddy, or ask a teacher, they will help you. But do not ask immediately, you have to try by yourself if you want to learn, and how proud of you you will be once you find the solution by your own, trust me, amazing feeling!

One sentence to describe my experience: Le Wagon was the best thing I could have done in my life so far, and it truly changed my life and my future.
Enjoy every moments Wagonners and future Wagonners!

17 Febrero de 2019 8:28

Had an amazing time at Le Wagon Barcelona, great learning environment and teachers were the best! If you want to learn how to code and code well, this is the place for it!

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