Le Wagon Barcelona Coding Bootcamp

Direccion C/ del Bruc, 149, Barcelona
Telefono +34 911 23 35 84
Sitio web
Categories Academia de informática, Escuela de educación para adultos, Institución educativa, Software training institute, Escuela técnica
Clasificacion 4.5 25 opiniones
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Le Wagon Barcelona Coding Bootcamp opiniones

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04 Febrero de 2019 1:15

Amazing Coding Experience in Barcelona!

My Le Wagon Batch 199 Barcelona journey started somewhat unexpectedly. Having worked in corporate purchasing and program management for almost 10 years since graduating college, I never thought that I would make such a drastic career change. However when I realized that at 33 I was stuck in the never-ending 8 to 5 leading to eventual retirement without any realization of my dreams, it was a fairly easy decision. It was now or never.

All my life I had ideas for websites and apps and that’s all they were, just ideas. Learning to code gave me the tools to make those ideas reality. It gave me the confidence to be able to tackle any feature that I would like to add to my website.

There were so many highlights to this amazing experience. The people really made it special. The teachers were top notch and I was lucky to have an absolutely incredible batch. We worked very hard during the week at class, but also were able to explore the amazing Barcelona together on weekends and let loose a bit!

Barcelona is a great place, with so much culture. Every weekend there is something different to do. I don’t remember a single weekend or day when I could not find something fun to do in my somewhat limited free time. There is the beach, parks, and just an unlimited amount of little bars and restaurants that anyone would be able to find something they enjoy!

My advice to future students would be to really enjoy the experience because it goes by very very fast. Monday through Friday, really concentrate on the classwork. Don’t miss ANY days. It is very easy to fall behind if you do. Watch the lectures on KITT the night before if you can. But also, really explore Barcelona on the weekends. If you put in the work during the week, you will have plenty of time on the weekends to explore and get to know this amazing city. Get to know your will go through a lot with them. But really, ENJOY the experience. There is nothing quite like it that you will do in your life. You will meet people with different backgrounds from all around the world, learn new things, try new food. This is just step one of a long and beautiful journey, but a very important one. So enjoy it!

Le Wagon gave me the tools and confidence to tackle my dreams, make some amazing friends along the way, and what happens next is up to me!

27 Octubre de 2018 8:34

A major confidence booster!

After obtaining a degree in Electrical Engineering and being uninterested in the field I discovered that coding was much more fun. I have 1.5 years of professional experience in Rails but this was self taught and I felt like a bootcamp would fill in the blanks. Additionally I was lacking front-end skills. Thus I wanted to get even better! I applied to Le Wagon Barcelona because I wanted to live in a country/city I've never lived in.

I loved the program, methodology, teachers and the environment. But if I had to choose one, I think all the teachers did an outstanding job teaching the material in such a short amount of time.

Apart from coding, I learned what is required to be a team lead/teacher. I have a lot to work on to be a good TL but I've definitely taken steps toward that goal.

At the end of the bootcamp, I developed SWAPP, a social mobile app to allow you to offer skills to others, while receiving skills in return. Now I'm gonna move to Vancouver to join and look for a remote job. This way I'll be able to travel while still having a source of income.

My advice if you're considering Le Wagon: be serious on day 1 and attend all the lectures. Even if I already knew 60% of the information being taught, there was still that 40% that helped me deepen my understanding.

25 Octubre de 2018 14:34

An invaluable experience at Le Wagon Barcelona!

I come from a Media & Communication background and I got to the point where I wanted to learn some new skills and bring them up to a new level. As Barcelona is probably the best location right now for the fast-paced evolution of information technology I decided to sign up for Le Wagon here, expecting to work within the area as a Full Stack developer. My goal was to bring my tech ideas to life in the next future.

I chose Le Wagon because it's not only a coding academy, it's a school for entrepreneurs. It has been the place where I could develop a different set of skills in different fields and where I had the chance to build an actual product.

The experience at Le Wagon has been an amazing, exciting and very fast-paced journey. During such time I've levelled up my knowledge of programming, going from basic knowledge of the Ruby and Ruby on Rails languages to developing, deploying and launching my very first app. Thanks to the the bright-minded and very high skilled individuals who were teaching, driving and supporting me I have seen this process through from ideation to design, coding to developing, deploying to launching and the skills I have picked up along the way will be invaluable in my deep journey into Software Engineering.

I would like to thank Le Wagon and Gus plus all the people that made this possible, the folks I have made friends with along the way for making the experience unforgettable. This field is collaborative above anything else, and working and studying along-side amazing, like-minded developers from a range of ages and backgrounds has been inspiring. Plus, Barcelona is just beautiful, it's a kind of magic city as it has lots to offer.

I would highly recommend anybody to join Le Wagon because it's a place where any ambitious individual will come up a full-shaped developer with an entrepreneurial mind-set.

23 Octubre de 2018 4:13

After working in tech startups for a number of years, I really wanted to become more technologically savvy so that I could better work with product teams, find ways to optimize my day to day work, as well as speak intelligently about products/features with customers. Additionally, a dream of mine has been to start a company one day, and I wanted to be in a position where I could create MVPs for my startup ideas.

Most coding bootcamps teach you how to code, but Le Wagon teaches you how to use code to build products. They teach you to qualify, prototype, user-test, and develop your ideas. Le Wagon gives you the skills to be an entrepreneur as well as a programmer.

The thing that I'll miss the most is the day to day grind of learning new things. For the first six weeks, you're drinking from the fire hose and learning new coding concepts daily.

Although challenging, very few things are as satisfying as learning a something new in the morning, struggling with it throughout the day, and then getting a green terminal (passing the challenge tests 100%) by the afternoon. And I loved Barcelona. Amazing culture, people, and tapas:). For me, it was the perfect place to learn to program.

Bite the bullet. 20 years from now, I doubt you'll regret going to school to become technologically literate. Le Wagon will teach you to be a developer, but if you decide to go a different route (entrepreneurship, freelancing, product management, etc.), you'll have a skillset that is going to differentiate you.

28 Septiembre de 2018 18:53

From business law to code in Barcelona

I was studying law and management, but after 5 years and a few internships, I realised that the lack of creativity was a huge problem for me.

I began to interest myself in design, and then I heard of Le Wagon and decided to learn to code. It seemed to be a really complet bootcamp, where we focused on the practical aspects, and where we could acquire the skills to find a job quickly.

And indeed, this 2 months were a real fun, combining logic and creativity and I really found out what to do with my life: code. We had the chance to work as teams and develop really cool projects, which was really enriching. Moreover, Barcelona was the ideal city to relax and go out after hard days of work, and the staff team was really nice

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