Barcelona City Tour

Direccion C/ de Sardenya, 311, Barcelona
Telefono +34 933 17 64 54
Horas 09:00-19:00
Sitio web
Categories Agencia de visitas turísticas, Atracción turística
Clasificacion 3.2 42 opiniones
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Barcelona City Tour opiniones

Ordenar por: fecha El mejor valorado calificacion mas baja mas util
11 Octubre de 2022 17:35

Avantage, cela évite de prendre le métro et on peut s'arrêter a plusieurs endroit de ville pour voir de beaux monuments mais le parcours ce fait principalement vue sur des immeubles résidentiel, le tarif a la journée est trop cher, de plus un tour de ville prend beaucoup de temps à cause de la circulation et des feux rouge.

29 Mayo de 2022 6:01

No pude hacer los dos recorridos, pero el verde no tiene desperdicio! Solo mejoraría la puntualidad, estuve esperando más de 45 minutos la siguiente pasada.

26 Mayo de 2022 18:49

Slow, uninformative, overcrowded ad filled rip off. We bought the 48hr version plus boat tour, lost our tickets and the company refused to honour our internet tickets. Basically spent €140 on a single bus ride. Company referred to me as stupid en espanol thinking I wouldn’t understand. Tried to flog extra tickets as their solution to our lost tickets. Cheek.

19 Mayo de 2022 2:19

Recomendable al 100%. Ideal para visitar los lugares emblemáticos de la ciudad. El audio guia fantástico.
Son dos rutas muy completas, si visitas Barcelona en un fin de semana, no te dejarás nada por ver.
Precio justo.

07 Mayo de 2022 9:29

They failed to inform us of a change in route and we ended up on the other end of Barcelona to where we needed to be and no assistance offered. Tourist trap that doesnt care as soon as they have your money.

24 Abril de 2022 7:39

Keep your ticket safe, just paid $106 to go 4 stop’s, lost my bus ticket, but still had receipt so could prove purchase just an hour before.
We got onto the bus, it was not busy only quarter full and the conductor Cilene. S was rude, unhelpful and extremely unprofessional. She was unwilling to help even though there was no que behind us. She could blatantly see we were tourists with our young children and would not accept the proof of purchase? Ticket. She reluctantly gave us a number to call the office but it did not work and she did not seem to care.
We ended up refusing to get off the bus because our children were tired and we needed to get back to Gràcia.
This system is old and outdated.

08 Marzo de 2022 17:43

Barcelona is a very nice city, however is easy to get robbed. If possible, don't take a purse with you

26 Febrero de 2022 1:44

Mala experiencia. No repetiremos.
Largas colas de espera, tardan mucho en llegar y si llega lleno tienes que esperar al siguiente. Las esperas son min 25-30 min.
Te ofertan descuentos que no existen.
Calidad-precio pésima. Es una pena, porque la idea de los buses es muy buena.
Muy decepcionada.

21 Febrero de 2022 5:36

Great way to see Barcelona.
Highly recommended. I bought a 2 day ticket and I sent great time in Barcelona.

19 Febrero de 2022 10:53

Anuncian los libros de descuento y cuando los pides dicen que ya no hay…. Por culpa del COVID… y en la web sigue apareciendo…. Me parece publicidad engañosa.

30 Enero de 2022 14:39

Es una maravillosa forma de pasear por los puntos más importantes de la ciudad, hay 2 líneas. Me impactó la Sagrada Familia, espero la terminen muy pronto

26 Diciembre de 2018 6:45

We were really glad to have booked this tour. Barcelona is a very large city with a lot to see and we only had about a day and a half to do it. Having this tour helped a lot by providing transportation between all the sights and providing commentary / information on all of them during the ride. The two separate routes are nice for choosing what you see a bit, but a full day is absolutely necessary for this as each loop is multiple hours.

I honestly can't comment on the price, though as our travel agent booked this in a package for us.

15 Noviembre de 2018 16:35

Barcellona è una città splendida e vastissima. La culla del modernismo, ricca di palazzi e opere d'arte, quartieri diversissimi tra loro, viste mozzafiato e musei e giardini e strutture. Sapete cosa è la Diagonal? Sapete che ha subito un rivoluzionario periodo di espansione che ha seguito un piano ben preciso e ispirato ad idee futuristiche per i tempi e che l'hanno resa una fra le più belle città d'Europa?
Ci sono mille cose da scoprire e l'unico modo per farlo è muoversi con tranquillità e sicurezza è usare i bus hop on e off.
Abbiamo provato con i bus pubblici e state certi che in una città così grande perderete tanto tempo che potreste usare per vedere tanto altro!
Noi abbiamo scelto un biglietto da tre giorni: i soldi meglio spesi di tutta la permanenza in città.
Con la audio guida vedrete Barcellona con altri occhi e potrete ripetere il giro quante volte volete.
Abbiamo provato i bus di questo tipo in altre grandi città europee, ma quello a Barcellona è il migliore per organizzazione e per i servizi offerti.
Unico neo, la fermata Parco Guel.
Ma vi assicuro che non vi deluderà!

11 Noviembre de 2018 14:54

We did the city tour yesterday during our holiday to Lloret de mar. We owe the tour guide on the bus a MASSIVE THANK YOU!

The tour is great. If you haven't been to Barcelona before I'd recommend doing it. Very informative and pleasant.

We found ourselves at the top end of Barcelona, when we needed to be at the bottom to catch the bus back to our resort. It looked doubtful if we would make it, given the distance and traffic. I asked the guide for advice. He was amazing and totally saved or bacon. THANK YOU SO MUCH! He came to find me when he realised we wouldn't make it. Advised us to get off at the next stop, he showed us where the metro was, told us which lines, which direction, how many stops etc. He couldn't have been more helpful and thanks to him we made it! Just! Thank you to the lovely man on our bus 25 October 2018!

If you're brave and know where your want to go (I'd recommend buying a city guide before you come and pinpoint where you want to go) use the metro, it's much safer and an awful lot cheaper.

But the open top bus is the best way to see the city if it's your first time. It was really good! Thank you!

11 Noviembre de 2018 6:55

Don't buy tickets with this company, the other city tour run by TMB (Barcelona Bustastic) runs 3 times as many busses. I wish we could get our money back.

28 Octubre de 2018 20:40

The two day bus pass is definitely worth it! You would spend more on local transportation trying to get everywhere. They have two routes that covered almost the whole city and the bus arrivals were at prompt at advertised. We never had to wait more than 10 minutes at the most for a bus to arrive. Plus free history around the city in 10+ languages via complimentary headsets on the bus. Would definitely recommend for anyone looking to get the most out of Barcelona.

20 Octubre de 2018 2:00

Enjoyed the ride and information you get along the way. Great stops. Thank you!
Drivers were 50/50 in their attitudes, but the ticket takers were very helpful and friendly.
They tell you not to throw the tickets away. So don't or you'll be stuck kilometers away from home base.
The information audio is a bit hard to understand sometimes, but mostly good. Going to try my own ear buds today.
The trips are about 2 hours for the orange and 2.5 for green. Because of that if you are staring from point 5 (for example) and you want to go to point 1, that's a long ride.

17 Octubre de 2018 23:19

My family and I had an amazing time. We were able to see all the sites barcelona had to offer. The lines were easily accessible. The maps were easy to understand. It was good value for money. We got to your the cities major and minor landmarks on our own at our own pace. It's an excellant choice if traveling with a large group and want to visit the main tourist spots with ease and feasibility.

Le Trap
16 Octubre de 2018 11:07

Overpriced. Inside bus is very hot without AC. Some of the stops are far away from point of interest so you have to take another taxi or a long walk uphill which is difficult with small children. It costs much less just to take a taxi to wherever you want and the taxi would drop you at the gate and not 20 minutes away.

01 Octubre de 2018 7:44

Tarif adulte: 30 €
A mon sens inutile de dépenser une telle somme pour le type de prestation proposée. En effet, dans le guide audio vous entendrez principalement de la musique d'ascenseur ou d'attente téléphonique plutôt que des infos pertinentes sur la ville. Vous entendrez également bcp d'offres publicitaires. Par ailleurs, l'audio-guide est en total décalage avec la vue des sites visités. Dommage. A l'aide du plan de la ville et des principaux sites à visiter, je vous conseille le métro qui sera bien plus pratique et vous fera gagner un temps fou. De surcroît, les offres promotionnelles proposées sont fausses! En effet, j'ai tenté d'utiliser le coupon de réduction pour le Camp Nou (Match Barcelone - Alaves) que je devais présenter au guichet du stade. A ma grande surprise, les agents du stade m'ont indiqué que ce type de coupon n'était pas valable. Je me suis donc rapproché du personnel City Tour (Daniela) qui a été incapable de solutionner ce problème. Cette dernière m'a indiqué qui si le Camp Nou refusait les coupons ce n'était pas son problème. Évitez cette compagnie!

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