Camino Barcelona Spanish language school

Direccion C/ de la Diputació, 119, Barcelona
Telefono +34 934 67 85 85
Sitio web
Categories Academia de idiomas, Residencia de estudiantes
Clasificacion 4.8 70 opiniones
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Camino Barcelona Spanish language school opiniones

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03 Noviembre de 2018 14:21

One of the best experiences in my life! For sure!

I went there from the 21st of may till the 28th of june and it was absolutely perfect! I couldn't speak a word Spanish and after a couple of weeks I could help myself perfectly! I even felt the difference from the first week. The teachers are so helpful and kind.

You get to know SO many people! It's amazing!

I want to thank Asier, Pedro, Xavi, Laura and Mila and many many more teachers!

Also the activities were great! Not expensive and very interesting! I learned a lot about wine and paella.

After 6 weeks I did get my certificate! Great memory and useful for in the future!

Graçias Camino!
xx Gilles

Een van de beste ervaringen in mijn leven! Zeker weten!

Ik was er namelijk van 21 mei tot 28 juni en het was ongelooflijk! Ik kon geen woord Spaans spreken en na een paar weken kon ik mezelf perfect behelpen! Ik voelde zelfs het verschil al na de eerste week. De leraren zijn enorm behulpzaam en aardig.

Je krijgt de kans om zoveel mensen te ontmoeten! Zalig!

Ik wil Asier, Pedro, Xavi, Laura en Mila en nog veel meer leraren bedanken voor de fantastische tijd!

De activiteiten waren geweldig! Niet duur en erg interessant! Ik heb veel geleerd over wijn en paella.

Na 6 weken kreeg ik mijn 'diploma'! Fantastische herinneringen en handig voor in de toekomst qua werk!

Graçias Camino!
xxx Gilles

30 Octubre de 2018 19:00

I have just returned from 2 amazing weeks at Camino Barcelona! It was a great pleasure to study Spanish there, with students all over the world. The teachers were very kind and patient, I liked the lessons a lot and my Spanish has improved. The staff was very careful and helpful and made everything with a smile. I was very impressed by the way they arranged everything until the last detail, and about the fact that I received an email for every important thing with all the information I needed.

It was a unique experience and I have learned a lot of new things.

I highly recommend studying at Camino Barcelona, for at least 3 weeks because 2 weeks is too short.

Thanks a lot, Camino people!

27 Octubre de 2018 12:11

He estudiado en Camino Barcelona varios meses y puedo decir que no se puede imaginar una manera más rápida y divertida de aprender español. En Camino se preocupan mucho por hacer todo el proceso de aprendizaje muy entretenido: clases interesantes, actividades diarias para conocer Barcelona, club de la tarde para jugar los juegos y ver las películas en español, fiestas, excurciones, viajes con profesores - cada día tienes algo que hacer! Recomiendo Camino Barcelona para todos quien busca una escuela de español de muy alta calidad y quiere pasar un tiempo inolvidable en Barcelona!

13 Octubre de 2018 0:27

Scuola fantastica! Ho frequentato un corso intensivo di una settimana. Oltre ad aver migliorato molto il mio spagnolo (grazie al preparatissimo corpo docente), ho potuto anche praticare l'inglese con ragazzi provenienti da USA, Malesia, Filippine, Australia, Germania, Regno Unito, Sud Africa etc.
Il vero punto forte di questa scuola è la possibilità di soggiornare all'interno della struttura: le camere sono un po' piccole ma sono pulite.
Le attività giornaliere consentono di mettere in pratica quanto appreso la mattina, di approfondire le amicizie con i compagni del corso (e non) e di conoscere meglio la città di Barcellona. Personale molto preparato e disponibile.
Come già scritto da altri utenti, non si tratta di una semplice scuola di spagnolo ma molto di più! E' stata una esperienza bellissima che rifarei molto volentieri!

03 Octubre de 2018 23:47

Having just finished a two week Intensive & Conversation Spanish course at Camino Barcelona, I couldn't recommend it more to anyone interested in immersing themselves in the language and culture that Barcelona has to offer. The course was very informative well structured, but fun and enjoyable which was made up of classmates from all corners of the world - It was a true melting pot of cultures which made the Camino experience unique and what it is. The social and friendly culture of the school/ courses didn't make you feel like you were going to class, however going to meet your friends to hang out but you are all speaking in Spanish, which consciously makes you pick up the language even quicker. However my experience was made that much more special by my teachers Oliver, Fabi, Laura & Laura aka 'Queen L'. Their approachability and way of teaching made you want to come into class and learn, but most of all just practise speaking Spanish in conversation and get to know them as individuals - they hands down made my experience at Camino unforgettable having met and made friends around the world for life. I highly recommend doing a course at Camino as you will gain so much more than improving your Spanish language skills!

27 Septiembre de 2018 21:11

I took 4 weeks of Spanish Language at Camino Barcelona and would recommend it highly to anyone interested in: learning the language from an excellent group of instructors, making lots of new friends, going on fantastic activities and getting help from a very friendly and efficient administrative staff. The course exceeded my expectations and makes me want to return to the community of students and staff that Camino Barcelona has created. All my instructors were excellent teachers, but also genuinely nice people that seemed to truly enjoy the classes and care about the students they were teaching. All my classes had between 7 and 10 students in them which was a really good size for a student - teacher relationship. Although I stayed off campus, many of my newly made friends were staying at the school and all told me that their experiences were positive with their accommodations. When I first planned my trip to Barcelona, it was primarily going to be for a vacation. I am so glad that I included my 4 weeks studying Spanish and having fun at Camino Barcelona. I am sure that I saw more of Barcelona and some of the most beautiful beach towns of Costa Brava then I would have if I had been just on my own. (Note: Pedro is a very popular and cool tour guide). So I came away with an exciting desire to learn more Spanish, made lots of new friends from all over the world and had a boatload of great experiences. Great value!

31 Agosto de 2018 2:51

Spending two weeks at Camino Barcelona was, without a doubt, one of the greatest experiences of my life. From the interactive Spanish lessons to the incredibly fun and educational daily activities, there was never a dull moment throughout my entire stay. The staff members go above and beyond to make sure your time at Camino exceeds your expectations—special shout out to Pedro, Kristina, and all the excellent professors.
As a 29-year old female, I wasn’t sure what to expect going into it, but I was quite pleased to discover the school truly includes all ages and all levels of Spanish. I stayed in the on-site superior apartments which were both affordable and extremely convenient. I made so many friends from all over the world- many of them were studying at Camino for their second or third time (that’s how you know it’s a good school!). I’m already planning my return trip. I truly cannot recommend Camino highly enough.
Espero verte pronto, Camino!:)

28 Agosto de 2018 11:36

Amazing experience! Wonderful Spanish courses!
Pedro, Ainoa and Laura are my Spanish teachers. They are very friendly, easy-going, and professional! Every day, there are different activitives after school, for example, wine tasting, bicycle riding, city tour, etc. We also visited Tarragona, a historical city, and had great tapas at weekend. I made many new friends from different countries here. I really enjoyed my stay at Camino Barcelona Language School. I'll definitely come back one day (^_-)

在Camino Barcelona度过了人生最棒的一周,巴塞罗那是我去过的最喜欢的城市!这里的建筑、美食、气候、球队都让我很欣喜。我一直很喜欢西班牙语,Camino Barcelona的老师们都很专业,他们有独特的教学方式,上课的时候通过一些游戏、比赛、漫画,言简意赅地让你记住单词和语法,在这样的环境中,提高西语是很快的。学校里有很多来自世界各地的同学们,我认识了很多新朋友,大家相处融洽,课后我们也会约了一起聚餐、去海边游玩、看球赛…… 超级超级喜欢Camino Barcelona,我以后一定还会回来的!爱你巴塞罗那! (^_-)

26 Agosto de 2018 20:23

I spent 4 weeks studying at Camino Barcelona. I was overwhelmed on the first day when the teachers only spoke and taught in Spanish but they made it so easy to understand! Even when teaching the definition of a new word or concept they would explain it, draw pictures and/or act it out in such a way that I understood and I remembered more than if I had looked it up on my own. I learned SO much in such a short period of time because the teachers are outstanding- Oliver, David, Ainoa, Fran, David R. Xavier, Tamara, Mariu and Marta - thank you all! They use a variety of instructional strategies and we practiced speaking all of the time! I highly recommend Camino Barcelona and hope to return to continue learning Spanish.

31 Julio de 2018 10:26

It was my second time that I visited a language school in Spain for just one week. I really enjoyed the first school a lot. Camino Barcelona was even better in my overall impression. The atmosphere was more than friendly, the teachers I had were very motivated and I made progress quickly. They offer a variety of self study material during the afternoons which I find very helpful. What I liked a lot is that they offer one activity during weekdays and even day trips during weekends. Some activities are better than others, but it makes it fast and easy to get to know students from other courses. This school might be a little more expensive than other schools, but you will get the fullest language school experience. Plus they offer accomodation very close to the school building, which makes it easy to get involved with others students. I will go back to that school for sure.

P. S. It would be nice if they still offered "study leave" (german: Bildungsurlaub) as it reads on their homepage. In that case I could go there one week extra every year instead of going to a different school that offer study leave.

All the best y hasta pronto!

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